Preference 14. You have a disorder...

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Luke: Anxiety Disorder

You were sitting on the bathroom floor with your head in your hands. You were panting heavily and you were shaking slightly, to you at least.

Luke had gone out with the boys when they got back to the hotel. Luke of course was against it because he knew that something was bugging you but you convinced him to go have fun with the others.

So as soon as they left, you went to get your pills from the bathroom, only to find that you were out. You started to freak out more because you were far from home to get another prescription from your doctor.

"Y/N, I'm back," you heard Luke say.

You wanted to get up, to greet him, but you couldn't move or speak right now. So you just sat there until you heard his footsteps coming tolds the bathroom. You slowly lefted your head in time to see Luke open the door and rush over to you. "I knew you weren't fine. You need to stop lying t--wow!"

You tackled him in a hug and started to cry into his chest. "I-I'm sorry. I thought i-if I took m-my pills that it-it would be fi-fi-fine," you stuttered, shaking in his arms.

"Shhh. It's okay, baby girl. Let it out. I've got you," he whispered, kissing your forehead and rubbing your back. He knew how bad your anxiety was so he knew what to do whenever you started worrying about something. "I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make, We put the world away, We get so disconnected," he sung, sitting up and pulling you into his lap.

The rest of the night he told him what was bugging you so much and he made sure to keep you from ever thinking that again.

Ashton: Depression

Ashton knew about your depression, he was your childhood friend after all. You were told you had it by your doctor by the amount of bullying you were getting in middle school. You had to have an eye kept on you incase you tried anything server. You didn't really do anything so your parents went on with everything they needed to do, but Ashton kept a eye on you and made you forget everything bad.

That was when you guys were little though, before he went off to go on tour with One Direction. He still made you happy and of course you were dating him before he left but your depression kicked in and you started thinking stuff like he had girls throwing themselves at him or that he would forget about you. All of that led to you having to wear sweaters more and more since you needed to hide the scars.

When Ashton came back for one of his breaks and gave you the biggest hug he's ever given anyone. "God. I missed you so damn much," he whispered into your hair, sighing.

"No cursing," you said, smiling and wrapping your arms around him as he chuckled. "I missed you, too, Ashy."

"We are having a movie night and no excuses!" he cheered, pushing you to arms length.

You laughed and nodded. You haven't had a good laugh in so long so it was nice to finally laugh a real one this time.

"Wait. Why are you wearing a sweater in the middle of summer?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's not really a sweater if its thin, Ashy," you said, pouting. "I just put it on cause I have landruary to do and this is all I have at the moment."

He frowned and shook his head. "Half of that is bullshit."

"No cursing," you said sternly.

"Tell me the truth, Y/N," he said, putting his hands on his hips.

You stared at him for a minute before looking down at the floor and playing with the end of the sweater. "I'm sorry," you mumbled, sighing. "I got really depressed when you left and started thinking shit and....I guess it got to me."

Ashton ignored the fact that you cursed and lifted up one of your wrists, pulling the sleeve up a little to reveal the reddish scars covering your wrist. "Why didn't you tell me...?"

"You were busy and with the time difference...I didn't want to bother you so much."

"Y/N, you could never bother me. I told you before I left that if you ever needed anything, call me and I'd answer no matter the time," he said, pulling you into a hug. "Just promise me you won't do it again."

You gripped his shirt and nodded slightly. "I promise, Ashy," you whispered.

Calum: Nightmare Disorder

You were always scared to go to bed and Calum knew it but he always told you that he wouldn't let anything hurt you and that he would be there if you work up from another nigthmare.

So that night, like every week, you woke up screaming from yet another nightmare. Calum of course was pulling you into his lap in no time and wrapping his arms around your wrist as you cried into his shoulder. "It's just a dream, Y/N. I promise you that it won't come try," he whispered, rocking slowly.

"Bu-But Cal it was o-o-of you this time," you mumbled into his shoulder.

"What was it about, love? Talk to me and maybe you'll feel better."

"Yo-You were kidnapped by my par-parents an-and they-they locked you in the base-basement before they tor-tortured you!" you cried, gripping his shirt with all your strength.

"Y/N, I promise that that will never happen. Your parents love me. They even want to come over to my house for Christmas next month to meet my family. So just me, nothing bad will happen to me; not now, not ever," he whispered, kissing your forehead.

Michael: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

You puffed out your cheeks at the mess in front of you. The boys had come home the night before and decided to celebrate. But you went to bed early so they must of gotten out of control and made a complete mess for someone to clean up. And usually that someone was you because whenever you saw something that was out of place or dirty or uneven, you had to fix it right away.

You growled and started to clean up the living as quickly as you could before you had to leave to go to an appointment. You got it done pretty quickly too, in half an hour actually, an hour less than you normally do.

"There we go," you mumbled, straightening a picture frame on the wall. "These boys are going to kill me some day."

"Y/N?" a hoarse voice mumbled behind you. "What are you doing up so early?"

You turned around and tilted your head at the redhead in front of you. "I told you last night, Michael, I have an appointment with my doctor about my OCD," you said, grabbing your bag off the couch.

You stopped and looked at the pillows on each side of the couch, biting your lip at how they were uneven. You put your bag back down then began fixing the pillows until you felt like they were perfect to you.

"Babe," Michael said, watching you carefully, "I think they're good now. If you don't get going, you might be late for your appointment."

"But it looks like one pillow is bigger than the other and it's throwing the whole couch off," you said, about to start fixing it all over again.

Michael grabbed your wrist and pulled you away from the couch with a chuckle. "You're never like this in bed~," he mumbled, kissing your forehead as you blushed, "so don't think of it now. It's fine, I swear."

You looked at him with a pout but nodded and grabbed your bag. "Fine. But if this place is a mess again when I get back, I'm gonna skin you all," you threatened, glaring at him.

He chuckled and nodded. "We won't. Just get going before you're late," he said, smiling.

You smiled and leaned up to peck his lips. "Love you," you said before walking towards the door.


Hey! Here's another preference! Also I may have gone deep for Ashtons' cause I kind have the same thing along with slight OCD and anxiety so I guess I kind of let my own emotions get the better of me. XD But I still hope y'all enjoy it!

Ciao, lovelies!


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