Preference 51.1: You're blind...

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Luke: You were sitting at a park bench staring ahead as you listened to the sounds around you. You didn't have anyone with you, you wanted to be alone and even though it wasn't safe for you to be alone, you liked it. It gave you time to think about everything that's gone on.

You felt something tap your foot and you leaned down to feel what it was, slowly picking it up.

"Sorry about that. We tried to catch it before it got away from us," you heard an Australian voice say to your right.

You nodded and smiled softly. "It's fine, mister. Don't worry about it," you said, holding the ball out towards him. "Just be careful next time."

"Thank you..." He gently took the ball from your hands. "Are you alright? You look lonely over here. If you want you can come over and play with us."

You smiled and shook your head. "I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted too."

You felt the bench move a bit, realizing the boy sat down beside me. "Don't like football?"

You laughed softly and shook your head. "It's not that. I'd love to try and play it, but it's hard for me to do do," you said, smiling. "What's your name anyway?"

"Luke, Luke Hemmings," he said, the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N," you said sweetly, nodding.

He stared at you then at his outstretched hand before waving his hand in front of your face. He narrowed his eyes at your sunglasses, not being able to see your eyes.

"I can feel you staring at me. You want me to take my sunglasses off? I understand it's disrespectful to wear sunglasses around someone when they are talking."

He blinked and nodded. "It's fine...just wondering why you didn't shake my hand..."

You smiled and took off your sunglasses, turning to face him. "Because I didn't see your hand. I'm blind."

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Don't feel bad about it. Not everyone knows at first sight."

"I know was rude of me to wave my hand in front of your face. Sorry about that."

You giggled and stood up, grabbing your walking cane. "It's fine, Luke. I get it all the time."

"Where you going?" he asked, standing up with you.

"I have to head home. I can't stay out too long or my sister will worry. I can't call or text her so I have to go home early," you said smiling before turning around.

"M-maybe I could keep you company! I mean, you could probably deal with it yourself and I'm not trying to put you down, but maybe you'd like some company so you wouldn't be alone."

You smiled and nodded putting your glasses back on. "I'd like that very much. I'd need help crossing the street if you'd like to help with that."

He nodded quickly then remembered you couldn't see him. "Yeah I could. Just let me get my stuff."

You nodded and stood there waiting for him to return. You played with the strap on your cane, humming softly before feeling a hand on your shoulder. "Ready to go?"

You smiled and nodded, leading the way.

Ashton: You felt around on the bed for your blackberry, puffing out your cheeks before your hand landed on it. "About time," you grumbled, picking it up and playing the message you had gotten from Ashton. "On my way home. Before around the house, though I know you always are."

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