Preference 87.1: He finds out your boyfriend is cheating on you...

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Hey guys! So here it is! A preference after a 5 year writers block. I'm a little rusty so it's not my best work, but I still hope you guys enjoy it. 


Luke: His POV

Y/n and I have been friends since we were in primary school. Our parents happened to be friends from high school, the two of us growing up and doing everything with each other. We told each other everything, we were there during each other's toughest times. It wasn't until halfway through secondary school that I realized my feelings for her. But, afraid of our ruing our friendship, I hadn't told her. Even with the lads encouragement. I kept my feelings to myself even as we graduated.

But by the time I got the courage to tell her, she had gotten a boyfriend. I, being the best friend I was, just kept my feelings to myself and was there for her when she needed me. For two years, I was a shoulder for her to cry on when they got into fights or when he stood her up. I was on the phone while on tour listening to her cry over him, no matter the time. I was there for her when a family member passed away last year while he went out to a party with his friends. I even sat there whenever she talked about how he'd apologize and make things up to her, my chest tightening.

The patterns would soon repeat within a few weeks before she was back at my place or calling me upset. Yet she continued to make excuses for him and go back to him every time he apologized and gave her a lame excuse.

Which makes what I witnessed last night even more frustrating.

The lads and I went out to the pub as a celebration for Calum's birthday. We had invited Y/n out, but not being a party person and having work the next morning, she had declined. Halfway through the night is when I recognized him. Having met him a few times I was able to recognize him immediately, pointing it out to the lads. On the dance floor was Brad, pressed up against someone that was defiantly not Y/n. Though the two of them were lip locked, I knew it was him immediately.

When they had pulled away from one another, my suspicions were confirmed. Then raised the question how long he had been doing this to her.

I knew she needed to be told, sooner than later. And I knew I needed to tell her. She deserved better than that git.

So, the minute I got home from rehearsals, I sent her a message asking her to stop by when she got the chance. I was surprised to get a reply in seconds, saying she'd be over in ten minutes.

I paced back and forth in my bedroom as I waited for Y/n to arrive. I ran a hand nervously through my hair, sighing heavily. "How do I tell her?" I asked out loud, looking at myself in my dresser mirror. "It doesn't matter how I tell her; it's going to break her. "

Rubbing my head roughly, I walked out of my room with a groan. As I got to the top of the stairs, I heard a knock at the door. Already knowing who it was, I rushed down the stairs and quickly walked over to the door. With a deep breath, I opened the door and stared at a smiling Y/n.

"Hey, Lukey," she said, waving at me with both hands.

I smiled nervously at her, stepping to the side as she walked in. "You got here pretty fast. I thought you had plans today," I said, closing the door.

"I did. But Brad had to cancel last minute for a family emergency," she said, a sigh leaving her lips. I tensed up as she spoke, watching her go over and sit on the couch. "So, I was hoping to hear from you today. I was bored sitting around the apartment." She looked at me, smile still there. "How's the birthday boy feeling? Able to concentrate in rehearsal~?"

"Ha...No, not really. Actually, none of us could really concentrate today," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. I walked over to the couch and took a seat next to her.

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