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Yo! I got an idea while listening to rejects so I thought I would write something. I don't know if it'll be great but let's give it a try!

Prompt: She wasn't the popular kid in school and no one noticed her but she only had a few friends. She didn't think she would ever get noticed so she didn't think anyone would see her YouTube video she made of a song he could relate to, especially one of the boys thy sung the song.

I know it's not great but I hope you like it!


She sighed as she walked by a group of cheerleaders who we're gossiping about who knows what.

"Look who it is, girls. It's the reject," she heard Samantha say.

She continued to walk until her arm was pulled back and she was slammed against a locker. "What do you want, Samantha? I just got here," she said, rubbing her head.

"Which is why I need to pick on you. It's Monday and I didn't have my reject to push around."

"Yeah well you still don't have a reject to push around," a voice said. "Now get away from her and beat it."

Samantha growled but left with her group.

Savannah sighed and smiled. "Thanks, Violet."

"No one messes with my friend. Now let's get out of this place," Violet said, putting her black hair in a pony tail. "Courtney and Bridget are waiting for us."

"But what about school?"

"Savannah, school is going to end in a week and we've gotten everything done already. Just live a little~," Violet whined, grabbing Savannahs' wrist and pulling her out of the school.

"Fine! Just stop pulling me," Savannah said, smiling.

Violet smiled and got in her truck. "Get in. We're going to Bridgets' place," she said, grinning as she turned on the engine.

Savannah got in and sighed. "I don't want to go to Bridgets'. Her brother always hits on me."

"Than you should be glad he left for college last month."

"Let's go to Bridgets'!"

Violet laughed and drove out of the parking lot.

^Bridgets' House^

Savannah slammed the truck door and raised an eyebrow as she looked at the open garage where Bridget and Courtney were. "What the hell is going on here?" she asked, walking into the garage with Violet. "And what's with the instruments?"

"My brother left them here and said we could use them!" Bridget said, strumming the bass quitar.

Courtney grinned and played the drums.

"That's so cool!" Violet said, grabbing one of the guitars and playing it.

Savannah shook her head and sat on the couch. "You guys are weird," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, Savvy! Give it a try!" Bridget said, grabbing the other guitar and handing it to her. "You can even sing."

Savannah glanced at the guitar and mic stand than back at her. "You planned this didn't you?"

Bridget grinned and shrugged. "Maybe," she mumbled.

Savannah sighed, stood up, grabbed the guitar out of her blond friends hands, and stood in front of the mic stand. "Where's the amp plug?" she asked, looking at Bridget.

Bridget pointed to her feet and grinned. "John should be here soon," she said, grabbing the plug for her guitar as Savannah and Violet did the same.

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