Fevers and Messes

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Yo! I go this idea to do an Ashton imagine so I thought I'd write it down before I forget it again.

Prompt: It's been a week since Ashton has returned from tour. The thing is that while they were on tour, she was super busy and barely got any sleep considering that she had school and work to deal with and had to make sure that the house was in good shape for when the boys returned. So when she comes home from work, hoping to relax a little bit, she is met with a dirty kitchen and four boys playing in a messed up living room, all her self-control goes out the window.

I think I gave too much away but anyway I hope you guys like it though. Also, I know that the boys aren't old enough to drink yet but in just this one hey can drink despite their age. Just wanted to say something before you read anything.


"Guys, I really think we should clean this all up. Savannah's gonna be home soon," Ashton said, looking around at the kitchen.

Food was everywhere, dishes were pilled high in the sink and dishwasher, and empty bottles of beer were all over the counter.

"We will, Ash, don't worry. Savannah doesn't get home for another three hours anyway so we have enough time to clean this all up," Calum said, putting an around his shoulder.

"Besides, even if we don't get it all cleaned up before she gets home, she'll clean it up. She's like your own personal maid," Michael said, grinning.

"But she's not a maid, Michael, she's my girlfriend! And I can't have her doing all the work around here since she was doing it all while we were on tour," Ashton complained, running a hand through his hair.

Luke sighed and nodded. "I agree with Ash. Savannah can't do everything around here," he said, throwing a few beer bottles in the trash can.

"We can still clean up in time before she gets home. Let's just go and play Call of Duty for now," Calum said, grabbing another beer and heading to the living room.

Michael grabbed a beer as well and followed him.

Ashton sighed and looked back at the kitchen before walking into the living room with a beer and Luke following right behind him. "Let's just start cleaning this up in an hour at least," Aston mumbled, taking a swig from his bottle.

~Three Hours and a Few Ber Bottles Later~

Savannah put the key in the lock and pushed open the door then kicked it shut before she leaned back against it. She was dead tired from work and she still had homework to do for all her classes. She pushed herself off the door and walked towards the kitchen to get something to drink, pulling her hair out of its ponytail. "Ash, I'm ho--What the hell?!" she yelled, looking at the kitchen with wide eyes. She stomped into the living room and glared at the boys sitting on the couch with their backs towards her. "Ashton Irwin! Michael Clifford! Luke Hemmings! Calum Hood!"

All the boys jumped and turned around to look at her, their face paling when they saw fire burning in her eyes. "S-Savannah, what are you doing here?" Ashton asked, gulping.

"I live here, remember?! God! I told all of you before I left to go to work to not make a mess and what do you do, make a mess!" she yelled, glaring at them. "And then you get drunk!"

"We aren't drunk!" Michael retorted, his words slurring.

"Not helping, Mikey," Luke mumbled, glancing at the boy.

"Savannah, babe, calm down. We will clean it up."

"If you were going to clean it up then you would have before I got home! I already have enough stuff to do other then keep this house clean!" she yelled, running a hand through her hair. "God damn it. I have homework to do that I have to turn in on Monday, I messed up everything at work today, and now I have messy kitchen. You guys treat me more of a maid then a friend."

"That's not true," Calum said, looking at her. "We think of you as a sister."

"Then why don't you ever treat me like one? All you guys do is make a mess then leave it, expecting me to clean up after you. That's all you guys have been doing since you got back from tour," she said, leaning against the wall. Her vision started to get fuzzy and she felt a little hot.

"Sav, are you okay?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine!" she snapped, standing up straight again.

"You don't look fine," Ashton said, looking at her with concern.

"I'm fine. Jeez," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Michael started to sober up a little bit and he was the first to notice her body sway slightly. "Savannah," he said, watching her carefully. "Maybe you should go lay down for a while."

"I-I can't. I have homework to do," she mumbled, leaning against the wall again and sliding down it to sit on the floor. "God." She buried her face in her hands.

"Savannah," Calum said as they all got up and rushed over to her. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm perfectly fine," she mumbled before she leaned into Ashton.

"Savannah?" Ashton said, putting a hand to her forehead. "Oh god! She's burning up!"

"No I'm not," she mumbled.

"Yes you are."

"Fine! I have a fever! I have for two days now!"

"When was the last time you got a good night sleep?" Luke asked, running a hand through her hair.

"Two weeks ago. I've been so worried about school and work that I haven't been getting much sleep," she said, sighing.

"Come on. Let's get you in bed and we'll clean up everything. You need to get some rest," Michael said, helping her up.

"I'm fine guys. I can get up to my room on my room," she said.

"Nope. You're gonna lay on the couch so we can keep an eye on you while we clean," Luke said.

She sighed and let them help her to the couch. She laid down and closed her eyes as they put a blanket over her. "How can I be sure that you guys are gonna clean while I rest?"

"Easy," Ashton said, grinning. "We're all out of beer."

"What?!" Calum and Michael whined.

She chuckled and nodded. "Then I guess I could take a little nap," she mumbled, feeling something cold and wet on her forehead as she fell asleep.

Ashton kissed her nose before sighing and looking at the boys. "Let's get cleaning," he said.

They all nodded and began cleaning up. Luke and Ashton cleaned the living room while Michael and Calum cleaned up the kitchen.

It didn't take them long to finish cleaning up so when they were done an hour and a half later, they were laying on the floor covered in sweat. "I have a new found respect for Savannah," Calum announced.

"How does she do this all the time without breaking a sweat?" Michael asked, groaning.

"Because she's been doing it for months," Ashton mumbled, sitting up. "No wonder she's sick."

"We seriously need to treat her better!" Luke exclaimed before the boys 'shh'ed him. "Sorry."

Ashton looked over at her and smiled slightly when she was still asleep. "Luke does have a point though. She won't have to worry about school in a week and we have to go back on tour in about three months," he said, sighing.

"What you talking 'bout, Irwin?" Calum asked, looking over at him.

"I mean we should take her on tour with us that way she doesn't have to stay here and worry about everything and we get to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get sick again," Ashton explained, looking at them.

"That's a good idea but do you think the lads will let us?" Michael asked, sitting up.

"We will ask and see."

They nodded and kept an eye on Savannah while she slept. She looked like she wouldn't be up for another few hours so they decided to watch tv for a while.


Well here it is! ^^ Ashton is so cute! Stay tuned for the next chappy!

Ciao, lovelies!

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