Different's Good

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Yo! I'm on my grandmas tablet on the internet, not the app, so if I have something wrong on here I will correct it when I get on my laptop later on tonight.

Anyway, this is like a secret Imagine. I mean not this whole thing is secret but the title should tell you what I mean. This Imagine is a little different. And by different I mean it this Imagine is with a hybrid Imagine....I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE CUTE OKAY?

Prompt: She ran away from them, from being a test subject, and ran into him while running in the middle of the street.

Well, I hope you guys like this one. And hopefully I will be on my laptop soon to finish this!


Have you ever heard of a hybrid? Well, if you have good for you so get lost Mr. Know-It-All. Now, for those who don't know what a hybrid is, listen closely to what I am about to tell you.

Hybrids are very rare. They are humans when they are born but scientists take them and do tests on them, turning them into an animal like creature that is still human. If you're lucky a hybrid is born by two parents but that's really rare. The world doesn't know that they exist, well, not the whole world that is. The only place where hybrids are rumored to be seen is in Australia. Not very specific right? Well, if you went to the Australia and saw something that was human but had ears or a tail or something like an animal, wouldn't you be shocked that you forgot where you saw it? Thought so.

Well, that is where our story begins; how one girl escaped and found love in a normal boy who accepted her.

She was panting and looking behnd as she ran, trying to escape the guard dogs that were sent after her. She had attacked one of the scientists, who were about to stick her with another needle like everyday, and ran out the door like her life depended on it. She was taken from her family when she was only four and was used in experiments, thinking that she was sick and was getting help, but as she grew up, she learned that they weren't treating her for being sick, they were making her sick. She found out what they were doing a month after they took her when she woke up one morning and saw that she had wolf ears and a tail. She had tried so hard to escape but never could find the right chance until now.

She looked forward and halted when she saw the cliff, looking over the edge. She panted and frantically looked for some way over it, anything to get away from the nightmare she was living for thirteen years.

She heard growling and spun around, looking into the eyes of five dogs and a scientists, the scientist that she bit. "Now, now. Don't make any sudden moves or they will attack," he said, holding up a needle with a smirk on his lips.

She glanced over her shoulder over the cliff and took a deep breath before she looked back at him, taking a step back, her foot down half way off the cliff.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked, staring at her. "If you jump, you won't survive the fall. You're too weak."

She shook her head and waved at him before holding out her arms, closing her eyes, and falling backwards. Her tail wrapped protectively around her waist and her ears pressed firmly against her head. She opened her eyes, blue orbs now bright red, she looked above her to see the scientist watch her as she fell farther down. She let out a howl before her back it water and she went under.

She let the current take her away before she was sure she was far away from them and surfaced, taking in the air she so deperately needed.

She swam to the shore and crawled on it, collapsing on her side. She gulped and stared at the grass she was laying on. With all her strength, she pushed herself up on to her feet and started walking along a path. She didn't know this yet but she was heading straight for a city.

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