Preference 83.1: Matching Tattoo's...

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So, I've been finding a lot of writing prompt ideas on Pinterest because of the writer's block. I had found many that would be great Preference ideas for my little books. It wasn't easy to find one to work on first because no ideas were coming to me at all. But after a stressful day, I got an idea from one of prompts:

SummaryYou and your partner decided to get matching tattoo's. Since you've had them, you have noticed that they turn warm when your partner is happy and cool when they're sad or angry. Your partner is away for the weekend and your tattoo is really starting to burn...What's happening?

When I was looking this, two ideas came to me with it. What's happening could be a good or bad thing. I'm not going to give examples because it would just give it away too easily. Though, in here, I'm gonna do it a different way. There will be two different endings so there will be two parts for this in a way. So, I hope you enjoy it!



You rubbed the ink on your wrist as you waited at your doctors appointment

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You rubbed the ink on your wrist as you waited at your doctors appointment. Luke was away on tour with the boys, leaving you to be on your own. You didn't mind. He would Skype and call you any chance he'd get. He'd even use the excuse that he wasn't with the guys just to hear your voice even though you knew for a fact that he was with the boys. The thought always made you smile because whenever he would talk to you, your tattoo on your wrist would start to warm up. 

You stared down at the tattoo on your wrist, rubbing your thumb over the cursive love written under the crown. A smile played on your lips as you felt it warm up a bit, knowing Luke was probably thinking of you. You sighed happily before looking up at the sound of your name being called. You grabbed your bag and stood up, making your way to the door. 

You had been feeling sick a lot lately and even had some stomach pains. You had told Luke about them and even told him if they continued, you'd make an appointment to get it checked out. You both knew that you had some health problems in your family history and you didn't want to not know. So when it continued for another three days, you called your doctors and made an appointment. 

But right after the appointment, you knew Luke could feel that you were sad by this point causing his began to cool down from his excitement. You sighed as you walked to your car, rubbing your face as you unlocked and entered your vehicle just as your phone began to ring. 

You grabbed it and answered it without even looking at the caller ID, resting your forehead on the steering wheel. "Hey, babe," you mumbled into the receiver. 

"Is everything alright? Did they find cancer?"  he asked quickly, panic in his voice. 

You hesitated for a minute, biting and chewing on your lip. " know how you left like...a month and a half ago?" 

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