Preference 78. The morning after...

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Luke: I think that the morning after, you would be rolling over, waiting to stay asleep and scared that if you woke up, it would have all been a dream. But as soon as you felt an arm pull you against  familiar chest, you would relax and just lay there for a few more minutes. You'd whisper-talk to each other, waiting for the others to wake up and be loud before you'd get up. He'd pull you close first, kissing you softly and smiling before taking your hand and leading you downstairs.

Ashton: I think the morning after, you would be sore as hell. You wouldn't want to move at all. You would just lay there for a few hours while he did a few things. Once he was done, he would come back into the bed room to find you laying in bed, the blanket up to your chin as you looked at your phone or you'd be asleep again. He'd smile and get in beside you, pulling you close as he cuddled you close, rubbing your thighs or back.

Calum: I think the morning after, you would be shy about it. You would be quiet about it as well as embarrassed. He would smile at you for your flustered face and sometimes tease you but he wouldn't do it in front of the others. You would hide your face or stutter whenever he would bring it up for that morning but if the boys were around, he would keep quiet about it.

Michael: I think the morning after, you would still be asleep, having just gotten to sleep a few hours ago. He would have his arms tightly around your waist, soft snores escaping his lips as his face was buried in your neck. Sometimes you would wake up from him kissing your neck or massaging your thighs. Those would usually lead you both to another round before you both would decide to stay in bed for the remainder of the day while watching movies.

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