Preference 12. You prank another in the band...

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Luke: You were were unsure when Michael, Calum, and Luke came up to you one morning while you were just about to get changed out of your pajamas since you just woke up. The reason you were unsure was because of what they asked you to do, which you did not expect, especially from Luke. But after a while of talking they finally convinced you into helping them.

Ashton groaned as he rolled over, trying to keep the sun that was coming through the blinds from hitting his eyes, and felt his arm drape over something, or someone.

He thought it was a giant teddy bear or something so he pulled it closer that's when he felt bare skin touch his and flew open to see familiar h/c.

A high pitch scream escaped him and he jumped back, resulting in him falling off the bed.

You groaned and buried your face in a pillow. "Not so loud~. My head hurts~."

Ashton climbed back on the bed and looked at you, fear in his eyes. "Y-Y/N?!"

You opened your eyes slowly and looked up at him, a small smile on your lips. "Morning birthday boy~. Did you like your gift last night~?" you asked, making your voice very sexy.

"Wha-what are you talking about?! Why are you in my bed?!"

"You don't remember~? We had an awesome night here in your bed~. Though we should be glad that the boys were still out because I wouldn't have wanted them to hear me screaming your name~."

You wanted to laugh when he finally looked down to see he had nothing on (which you were use to see the boys walk around the house naked since you lived with them) in which he screamed again, louder, and covered himself up.

As if on wye the boys burst through the door with bats. "What's with the scre--" Luke stopped mid-sentence when he saw you sit up and hold the sheets to your naked chest as Ashton sat there hoping this was all a dream. "What the hell?!"

"Luke it's not what you think!!" Ashton yelled, blushing and looking like he was going to cry. "I didn't do anything with her. I would never do that to you and besides I don't like her like that!"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Means I see you as a sister! Now can you put the bats away and leave so I can change the sheets and figure out what the hell is going on!"

You couldn't take it anymore, he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. "I'll tell ya~," you said, leaning closer to his ear. "You just got pranked~!"

The others burst out laughing as you stood up with a sports bra and boy shorts on. Ashton looked at all of you then glared. "That was cruel guys! I actually thought I had slept with her and was about to get my ass kicked by my best mate!" he hissed.

You leaned down and kissed his cheek, giggling. "They talked me into it, Ashy~. I'm sorry~."

In the end, the boys got their revenge, Ashton learned to never get drop dead drunk, and you learned that the boys have bats to protect themselves from danger....sounds like a great morning.

Ashton: You pouted as Ashton motioned you towards your brother, Calum, who was talking to Michael and Luke about the concert as they all took a break from rehearsal.

You walked over and kicked his foot lightly, getting his attention. "Can I talk to you, Cal? Um in private?" you asked, blushing.

He nodded and got up, following you into the hall. "What's up, sis?" he asked, grinning.

You played with your bracelet as you stared at the floor. "I need to tell you something really important..."

"What is it?" he asked, looking at you concerned.

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