Preference 73. Cuddling...

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Luke: You yawned softly as you fell on the bed, curling up before you felt Luke pull you up, whining. "N-No~! I-I have a b-boyfriend!" you yelled, your words slightly slurred as you tried to pull away.

He smiled slightly, happy that you wouldn't cheat on him, before kneeling in front of you, lightly rubbing your cheeks. "Babe, it's me. I'm just getting you into comfortable clothes," he said before kissing your forehead and going back to get your dress off and putting one of his shirt on you. "There we go."

You giggled as you fell on your back, watching him as he shook his head. "Cuddle!" you squeaked, giggling as he started to get undressed and changed into his pajamas.

He looked over at you and smiled before crawling in next to you, pulling the covers over the both of you before grunting as you suddenly cuddled into him, giggling as you nuzzled his chest. "I am never letting you go out with the boys ever again. Though you're a cute drunk," he mumbled, smiling as you started to snore. "Yup, totally cute."

Ashton: You slammed the door shut as you dropped your bag by the couch, flopping on the couch as Ashton came in. He stopped mid-bite as he saw your sour look, glancing at his sandwich before slowly walking back into the kitchen. He quickly came back with hot chocolate as well as some Nutella before sitting beside you.

He slowly held it out to you and your face softened, looking at him and slowly took them, putting them on the coffee table. He looked at you confused before blushing slightly as you moved to sit in his lap, nuzzling your face in his neck as you sighed softly. "Just want cuddles with you," you mumbled softly.

He smiled and wrapped his arms tightly yet softly around your waist, kissing your cheek. "Have a bad day?" he asked, massaging your back.

"Yeah. My boss said that I don't do anything, that I'm a lazy good for nothing worker and fired me on the spot," you grumbled, curling into him as you sighed. "I work my ass off and he says that? And even fired my coworker who stood up for me."

He frowned but held you close, kissing your forehead as you both sat there and cuddled.

Calum: You stirred as you heard the bedroom door open, groaning softly before you felt the bed dip. "I'm sorry for being late, baby. I tried get out before midnight," he whispered, kissing your cheek.

You mumbled something but was too tired to speak louder.

He chuckled and kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to him as you hummed. "Rough day at school?" he asked, watching you breathe softly and nod. "How do you think you did on the test?"

You slowly gave a thumbs up before cuddling into him, nuzzling the section where is shoulder and neck meet. "Cuddle," you mumbled softly.

He chuckled and held you close, his arms tightly wrapped around your waist as you slowly started to fall back to sleep. He smiled and kissed your forehead, cuddling you. "Sleep well, babe. I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered, yawning softly before he fell asleep.

Michael: You stretched as you rolled out of the bunk on the tour bus, walking towards the back of the bus. You rubbed your eyes and squeaked as you felt a hand grab your wrist, pulling you into a familiar lap. You huffed as you instantly curled into him, smiling. "Morning to you too, Mikey," you said, giggling.

He smiled and kissed your cheek as he cuddled you. "Sorry that we didn't get to cuddle last night. The show ran over," he whispered into your ear.

You smiled and kissed his cheek, cuddling into him as the others came into the room. "It's fine. I understand that your shows are important and that you enjoy what you're doing," you said, smiling. "But you can make up for it with lots of cuddles."

He laughed and pulled you closer, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck as the others watched, smiling. "At least she's better than your other girlfriend who wanted your attention twenty-four/seven even when you were on stage," Luke pointed out.

"All this one wants are cuddles," Ashton said, laughing as you stuck your tongue out.

"You're just jealous!"

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