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Yo! This is my Michael Clifford imagine for myself! I have a huge thing for him and he is just so cute!

Prompt: he thinks she doesn't know his secret but she does and keeps acting like she doesn't know. So when she gets kidnapped he gets really mad.

That's all I got! Continue reading if you're interested!


Every night. It happened every night. He would come home covered in scratches and would be exhausted. It worried her a lot. Then one day she found it; a super hero outfit in the closet. She didn't say anything about it because she wanted him to tell her himself. She didn't want to feel like she was pushing into his business.

That's what brings us to now. She was in the kitchen one morning, making pancakes when he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Good morning, beautiful," he whispered, kissing her neck.

She giggled and turned off the stove. "Well someone's in a good mood. What happened?"

"Nothing gets me happy more than seeing you in one of my shirts this early. Have I told you that you look hot in them?"

"Mulitple times. But I wouldn't mind hearing it again before you have to go meet the boys~."

He grinned then turned her around and pushed her back against the counter. "You look extremely hot in my shirts."

She smiles and wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his chest.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" Michael asked, wrapping his arms around her torso.

She shook her head and sighed. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" She felt him nod. "Just making sure."

He stared at her before kissing her forehead. "Come on. We gotta get ready. You're coming with us today," he mumbled, smiling.

She nodded and let him go. "Okay."

A few hours later she was hanging out with the boys. They were in an arcade and she was playing one of those dancing games against Luke. So far she was beating him.

"Damn! She really is good!" Calum said.

"She's good at video games," Michael pointed out.

"Who wants to go up against her with basketball?" Ashton asked, raising his hand.

She hit the last move and jumped up, cheering. "You owe me lunch!"

Luke laughed and shook his head. "I know. But tht was fun."

"Basketball next then?" she asked, looking at ashton who was already near the basketball game.

"Let's go!"

Five minutes later

"Is...Is that even possible?" Ashton asked, looking at the score board.

"Dude," Luke started, patting his back. "You lost 30-15 at basketball. It is possible."

She giggled and high fived Michael. "You rock, babe!"

She grinned and nodded. "I also have to go to the bathroom. Be back in a few," she said, walking to the bathroom.

When she got to the bathroom door, a cloth was out over her mouth and she started kicking. She tried to scream but when she inhaled she felt sleepy. In less then a minute her body went limp and she was dragged out through the back entrance.

Michael looked at his phone for the fifth time in five minutes. She has been gone for a while now. I hope she's okay.

"Mikey," Calum whispered, pointing towards the entrance. "We may have a slight problem."

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