Preference 86.2: You're a bet (Break up)...

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Hello to all you readers! ^^ Okay, so, I'm gonna start putting up warnings at the beginning of my posts when they have things like the mention/appearance of abuse, rape, sexual activites and all the other rated M stuff. I will be doing this because I'm adding a bit of reality to my stories and some fantasy. Reality being that some fathers are abusive or you're depressed and harm yourself or that people do have sex(17andup) other stuff that could happen. 

I mean, I won't be writing it a lot but I will begin posts with warnings. And another thing I will be doing in my stories is giving a name to you each preference. I have a thing with names and just love all the different ones. 

Anyway, here's part 2 of You're a bet! I hope you enjoy it; there might be a part three~.

Warning(s): Self harm will be mentioned.

Luke: Your head quickly shoot up as you heard knocking coming from the other side of the wooden door, tears still escaping your hazel eyes and rolling down your already tear-stained cheeks. A surprised gasp left your lips before you quickly stood up, using the sleeves of your jacket to wipe the tears from your face. "Li-Lila?" you heard a soft voice ask, a sigh soon following.

Slowly taking a deep breath, you stepped towards the door and opened the door casually, gripping the handle just a bit. "He-Hey, Luke," you mumbled, slowly giving him the best smile you could muster.

"'ve been crying," he breathed, slowly rubbing his face, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't act like you care," you muttered coldly, the smile disappearing from your features.

"I-I do care," he mumbled, frowning as he brought his hand up to rub his neck.

"If you cared you wouldn't have u-used me," you said as your voice rose above your normally soft volume, "you could of just said no!"

He stared at you, eyes a bit wide for a moment before he lowered his gaze to his feet. "I tried to, I swear I did," he said quickly, lightly tugging on his hair gently, "but after I walked back from talking with you, they decided to—"

"Use an innocent girl they didn't even know," you seethed, clenching your fist against your side, "'re so much worse than my freaking ex!"

" have an ex?" he asked, eyes widening a bit when he saw the tears threatening to run down your cheeks.

"You think just because y-you w-were...were my f-first time, that you were my first boyfriend?" you asked, letting out a soft growl and gently pushed him back from the his spot in front of you. "I should of known better than to fall for you!"

"W-What?" he choked, stumbling back into the wall.

"Yes, Lucas, I fell for you. The worst part is that I actually looked up to you before we bumped into each other! I ac-actually thought you'd be different than him, b-but you only used me!" you yelled, your voice starting to crack and tears rolling down your cheeks. "You were m-my longest relationship...and basically my first love. You p-pretended to care about me j-just for a bet!"

"No! Lila, I swear, I was never pretending how I felt for you!"

"Then say it?"

"S-Say what?" he asked, his eyebrow raising a bit in confusion.

"Say you feel the same, say you love me," you hissed, glaring at him as you slowly gripped the pendant around your neck, "if you weren't pretending all those times you smiled and laughed, than tell me you love me."

He stared at you, his pupils slightly dilated as his mouth went completely dry. Your eyes were trained on him, ignoring the stares from the artists and agents that had stepped out of their booths. Just from the corner of your eye, you could see the rest of his bandmates looking out at the two of you, guilt evident on their faces. 

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