Preference 75. You have a child from a past relationship...

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Luke: You sighed as you picked up your one-year-old, kissing her forehead before handing her to the babysitter. "Mama will be back in an hour," you said, smiling before kissing her forehead again, wiping her tears away as she slowly nodded, slowly reaching out to kiss your nose a bit.

You giggled and rubbed her head before leaning back. "Thanks again, Trisha. I'm still a little scared to have Luke meet her since..." you trailed off as you remembered your past relationship after you had your daughter.

Trisha smiled and shook her head, lightly bouncing the girl on her hip. "It's fine, Y/n. I understand. Besides, I think Gigi loves her Aunt Trish~," she cooed, nuzzling her nose against your daughters, smiling when her giggle rang through your ears.

"Alright. I'll be back in an hour. If I'm late, I'll text ya. See ya in a few," you said, waving as you quickly ran to your car, sighing softly as you watched them going into the house.

You sighed and rested your forehead on the steering wheel, closing your eyes. You loved your daughter and your boyfriend of almost three months, but you were so scared to mention that you had a daughter, not wanting him to leave and break your heart like all your other relationships. After Gigi was born and your ex left you, saying he didn't want to be a father, you were heartbroken but didn't show it, your friends and family helping you through it all.

You jumped as you heard your phone go off, looking at it and sighing as you answered it. "Hey, Luke," you mumbled, reaching to start your car but stopping.

"Hey, babe. Everything okay? You're usually here before me so I got worried," he said, chuckling.

You smiled and giggled softly, nodding even though he couldn't see it. "Yeah, sorry. Running a little late...I'll be there in a few minutes," you said, smiling as you opened your car door and got out.

"Alright. Be careful. I love you," he said, his smile heard through the phone.

"I love you, too," you mumbled, smiling as you hung up.

You threw your phone on the seat and ran up to the door, knocking on it. A smile on your lips as Trisha opened the door holding Gigi, handing her over to her. "I had a feeling that you'd change your mind," she said, chuckling softly. "And remember, if he stays, he really loves you."

You nodded and lightly bounced your daughter on your hip, smiling as she giggled. "Yeah. I'll see ya tomorrow," you said before giving her a quick side hug and going to your car. You put Gigi in her car seat, giggling as she grabbed your cheeks and smiled. You kissed her nose before closing her door and getting in the driver's seat, buckling up and starting the car.

*Time skip*

You parked the car and took a deep breath before you got out, getting Gigi out and placing her on your hip as you closed the door. You slowly walked into Starbucks, looking around for Luke before squeaking as you felt a tap on your shoulder, turning around and pouting as you stared at a laughing Luke. "Jerk," you mumbled, smiling a bit.

He smiled and kissed your forehead before looking at your daughter, smiling at her. "Who's this? You're sister?" he asked, rubbing her head softly.

"No. She's...She's my daughter," you said softly, watching as he took her and gently held her, seeing him smile as she tried to pull on his hair.

"You never told me you had a kid," he said, looking at you.

"I was scared you'd run after I told you like the others did," you said, smiling a bit as you watched him.

"I wouldn't do that. I told you, nothing will make me leave you," he said, kissing your cheek before sitting down with your daughter in his lap. "What's her name?"

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