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Yo! I kind of got this idea afterI got all of their songs yesterday, or on Thursday, but not in the US I guess. So I had to download them from the internet.

Anyway, like I said I got this idea for an Imagine with this song that may or may not make you have some sort of emotion. XD

Prompt: They're known each other forever, done everything together, which is why they both have a hard time when she has to move. But a few months later, a surprise happens.

I hope y'all like it! Enjoy! Also I suggest that you listen to the song while you are reading this!


She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. The others grinned as he nuzzled her neck. "Luke~! Stop~!" she giggled, pushing him away playfully.

He smiled and kissed her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder, smiling crookedly. "You smell nice, Savannah~," he hummed.

It was night time, a little past midnight actually, and they all decided to hang out at the park also, thanks to Michael, they had some beers and boy were they drunk. Especially her because she had a drinking contest against Michael and she won like always.

"Mikey!" she yelled, causing the others to 'shh' her and her to giggle.

"What is it, Savannah?" he asked, grinning.

She crawled out of Lukes' lap and over to Michael, giving him a big hug. "You...You the bestest friend I known," she slurred, giggling.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "So are you," he said.

She giggled again and went back over to Luke.

"We should really get back inside," Ashton said, narrowing his eyes at the sky. "It looks like it's about to---"

He was cut off by a few drops of rain falling then it was pouring. Savannah laughed as she stood up and started running around in the rain. She turned around to see the others watching her as they stood under one of the coverings. She smiled and ran over to them, standing between Calum and Luke. They watched the rain as it fell until Savannah turned around and looked at them all.

"What?" Calum asked, looking at her.

She smiled and tilted her head. "I'm glad we all met. Mostly because now Michael and Luke don't hate each other anymore," she said, smiling more. "And because you guys have made me feel better whenever I'm upset."

They all 'aw'ed and pulled her into a group hug. She smiled and closed her eyes. "I never want this to change," she mumbled, sighing happily.

-A Month Later-

Savannah walked downstairs into the kitchen before she stopped, looking at her parents, who were sitting at the table waiting for her. They looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. "Um, I was gonna get an apple and head over to hang with the boys," she said, walking over to grab an apple from the fridge.

"Savannah," he dad started, "come sit down for a minute."

"I think I'm good with standing," she said, taking a bite from her apple. "So, please say what you're gonna say so I can go see the boys."

Her mother sighed and shook her head. "Savannah, we're moving," she said, looking at the young girl.

She spit out her apple and stared wide eyed at them. "What?!"

"We're moving. To California," her dad said. "We're leaving Thursday."

"That's two freaking days away! You choose now to tell me!? And worse you didn't even ask me if I was okay with this!?" she yelled, glaring at them.

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