Preference 71. You're in class together...

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Luke: You chewed on the eraser on your pencil as you rested your head in your hand, watching the teacher write down the notes before copying them down. You glanced towards the boy next to you, raising an eyebrow as he rubbed his eyes before glancing down at his notes, noticing he didn't even get the first part. You sighed softly and leaned towards him. "Luke, you okay?' you whispered, waiting for the teacher to write the next bit of notes on the broad.

"Huh?" he mumbled, looking at you as you leaned back a bit more, not wanting to be in his personal space. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Just didn't get enough sleep last night."

You nodded slightly and leaned back more, resting your head in your hand again as you continued to write down the notes.

A few minutes later, you looked over at Luke again, your eyes widening as you saw him asleep with his head resting him his hand. /"He must have been really tired,"/ you thought, slowly pulling out a new piece of paper and copying your notes and writing down the notes the teacher put on the board.

You continued to chew on your eraser when you waited for the notes to be written down, being a fast writer.

Half an hour later, the bell rang, jolting Luke awake as you stood up, gathering your things to put in your bag. "Oh man. I fell asleep," he groaned, rubbing his face as he sighed. "Damn it."

You looked at him as you gathered your notebook, pulling the piece of paper out and laying it in front of him on top of his incomplete notes. "I thought I'd copy them for you," you mumbled shyly before putting your book in your bag.

He looked at them with wide eyes before looking at you, smiling softly. "Thank you so much, Y/n. You're a life saver," he said, putting the paper in his folder.

You blushed and scratched your cheek softly, smiling a bit. "Didn't want you to get yelled at by Mr. B," you said, chuckling softly.

He laughed and slung his bag over his shoulder, sending a smile your way. "Thanks again. See you at lunch," he said before running out of class to get to his next one.

You blushed and nodded slightly as you quickly followed, heading the opposite of him.

Ashton: You coughed as you stepped into you next class, leaning against the wall before walking over to your seat.

"Y/n?" you heard an Australian voice ask.

You put your bag in your lap and looked up to smile weakly at a worried Ashton. "H-Hey, Ash," you mumbled before coughing and resting your head on the table, sighing at the cool feeling on your burning forehead.

"Babe, you look like hell," he said, taking his seat beside you.

"Yes, because every girl loves hearing that they look like crap," you mumbled, forcing out a chuckle before a coughing fit hit you.

"That's not what I mean. You look beautiful every day, you just look, ya know, pale and, well, like crap," you mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I know, I know," you muttered, closing your eyes tightly as the bell rang, your head throbbing at the sound.

You felt him lift your head and place a hand cool hand on your forehead, well cool for you, before opening your eyes slightly to look at his still worried face. "You're burning up, Y/n," he mumbled, looking you in the eyes. "Why are you at school when you have a fever?"

You were about to answer when you coughed, quickly covering your mouth and turning away as to not cough on him. After your coughing fit was over, you cleared your throat and turned back to him. "M-My parents didn't trust m-me home alone, they a-also thought I was fa-faking," you mumbled, your voice hoarse.

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