Preference 7. His nickname for you...

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Luke: He loves to call you a lot of things; babe, sweetheart, baby, baby girl, the usual names a couple uses but he loves to call you pup because to him you always look like a puppy no matter what; when you're sad, happy, excited, mad, sleeping, etc.

Ashton: He calls you a lot of nicknames but he mostly calls you princess because to him you're his number one, his girl, his treasure...his princess he saved from a tower that was guarded by a fire-breathing dragon.

Calum: He loves to call you one thing, the only nickname that he is aloud to call you because he gave you it when y'all met in 2nd grade; kitten because when you two met you always wore something that had to do with cats and he loved that about you, giving you that nickname.

Michael: He may look like the type that doesn't like or give pet names, let alone nicknames, but that isn't true because he loves calling you bunny because you always put your hair in a little bun that looks like a rabbits tail, and because you dyed it white when you were 17 made it even more like a rabbits tail, and you even hopped like a rabbit at times when you got excited and he thought it was really cute.


I gave a lot of animal nicknames in this one. I'm really sorry if you didn't like it. I just thought I'd be cute for a minute. I've been really into writing preferences lately mostly because I've run out of ideas for imagines since my friend has only been helping me with ideas, and I've been trying to write them for her but I'm have a hard time, but I need more ideas. That and my wrist...but mostly the first one!! So plus give me some ideas if you can!!! Please!!!

Ciao, lovelies!


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