Preference 35. You tell him you're pregnant...

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Luke: You groaned as you finished emptying your stomach into the toilet. You've been doing it a lot the past week. At first you thought it was the flu but after a while you thought otherwise.

"Y/N?" you heard your roommate call, standing in the door. "Again?"

You nodded and grabbed a wash cloth to clean your mouth then flushed the toilet. "Yeah. I'm starting to think this isn't a flu," you mumbled, your voice slightly raspy.

She/He sighed before pulling something out of the cabinet and handing it to you. "Try this."

You took it and stares at it. "Pregnancy test? You think...?"

"Only one way to find out."

A few hours later you were sitting on your bed looking at the test just as you heard Skype ring from your laptop on your desk. You quickly answered it, setting the test on the desk, and smiled when you saw Lukes' face pop up. "Hey, Lukey," you whispered.

"Hey, n/n, You feeling any better today?" he asked, smiling at you.

You glanced at the test and nodded. "Yeah. We know what's wrong."

"What was it?"

You took a deep breath and held up the test making sure he can see the result. "I-I'm pregnant...," you mumbled with your eyes squeezed shut.

"R-Really?" you heard him stutter.

You just nodded, scared of what would happen next.

You heard him cheer and your eyes snapped open just as the others came in asking him what had happened. I'm gonna be a dad!" Luke told them with a wide ass smile on his face.

"That's fantastic, Luke!" Michael yelled, throwing his arm around your boyfriends shoulders.

"We're going to be the uncles' right?" Calum asked, grinning like an idiot.

They all stared at you as you giggled and nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way," you said, smiling.

Ashton: You laid on the couch curled up in a ball as you slowly rubbed your semi flat stomach with a smile on your lips. You had found out a while back that you were pregnant and you were so thrilled. You told Ashton that you had a surprise for him when he came home for a break. He kept trying to get it out of you but you were tough to keep it a secret until you saw him in person. Luckily today he was coming home so you would be able to tell as well as show him his surprise.

You heard the door open and heard Ashton humming as he walked in. You smiled and turned over on your side, closing your eyes to pretend you were asleep.

Ashton made his way into the living room where he saw you 'sleeping'. He smiled and kneeled down to peck your forehead. "Looks like you couldn't stay up that long. I knew you'd fall asleep," he whispered, chuckling softly as he picked you up. "Let's get you to the bedroom."

You smiled slightly and let him carry you to the bedroom. As he laid you down, you grabbed his hand and pulled him to lay beside you. "Welcome home," you mumbled, opening your eyes slightly. "How was your flight?"

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. "It was worth it now since I'm with you."

"Correction; us," you said, smiling softly. "Now that you're with us."

"Who's us?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

You took his hand and placed it on your stomach watching as confusion washed over his face before realization covered it, his eyes lighting up. "This is us," you whispered, smiling at him.

"This is the best surprise ever."

"Was it worth the wait?"

"Defiantly," he said, kissing your lips.

Calum: You were scared when you found out that you cried for hours before your mother came in to see what was wrong. Once you told her, she hugged you and told you everything was going to be okay.

She understood why you were scared because when she was pregnant with you, your father left when she told him. Since she told you what happened, you became scared that the same thing will happen to you.

"You have to tell him, sweetie," she said, wiping the stray tears.

"B-But what if he leaves m-me?" you stuttered.

"He won't. He loves you with all his heart, Y/N. If he didn't then he wouldn't care about you as much as I."

You nodded and laid your head on her shoulder. "Thanks, mom. I-I'll tell him when he comes over later," you said, letting out a shaky breath.

Later that night, Calum came over just as you finished helping set the table. You smiled when he pecked your lips and sat on the couch.

"Dinner will be ready in a little, Calum. We started a bit late," your mother called from the kitchen.

"It's fine, Ms. Y/L/N. Longer time I get to spend with Y/N," he said, pulling you down to sit in his lap.

You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder. "I have to tell you something, Cal," you mumbled, playing with the string of his hoodie.

"What is it, love?" he asked, looking at you.

You sighed and lifted your head to look him straight in the eyes. "You know I love you with all my heart right?" He nodded and you slowly started to get nervous again. "Would you ever leave me?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't leave you for all the money in the world."

You smiled and pecked his lips. "What if I was pregnant...with your baby?" you asked against his lips.

"I'd be thrilled," he said, smiling. "Why are you asking me these questions?"

"Because...I'm pregnant," you whispered watching his whole face light up.

"Really?! Oh my god! Y/N, that's amazing!" he yelled, hugging you tightly.

Michael: You were on tour with them and of course you shared a hotel room with Michael. You were on the tour bus with the boys watching them play video games. Usually you would play with them also but for the past four weeks you haven't been feeling well so you just watched them.

"Calum! You can't switch teams like that just because they're winning!" Ashton yelled, glaring at the kiwi.

You laid your head on Michaels' shoulder in which he pulled you into his lap so he could wrap his arms around you as he played. "You two pipe down already," Michael said, chuckling as he killed Ashton.

"You okay, Y/N?" Luke asked, looking at you.

"Mmhm. Just cramps."

"Don't you only get those during..."

"Yes, Mikey," you said, giggling. That's when it hit you and you pushed out of Michaels' arms to grab your phone.

"What's wrong?" Ashton asked, pausing the game.

You checked your calendar then ran out of the back room, texting Liz to bring you something at the next stop, which was an hour away.

An hour later you were staring at the test in your hands with tears slowly forming. "Y/N, is everything okay?" Michael asked as he entered the tour bus.

"Mikey, what are you doing here? You should be getting ready for the concert," you said, looking at him.

"I was worried about you. What's that...?" he asked, pointing at the test.

"Pregnancy test..."

He stared at you before sitting beside you. "You gonna tell me if we're gonna be parents or not?" he asked, smiling when he saw you smile. "I take it we will be."

You nodded and leaned in as he rubbed your arm.

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