Preference 70.2: You're not experienced; He teaches you...

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Warning(s): Sexual Content  

Ashton: You sat on the couch along with your brother, Luke, and your boyfriend, Ashton, while you watched a movie together. You were sitting there on your phone when you felt Luke cover your eyes making you elbow him in the gut, causing him to groan in pain and pulling his hands away. You just puffed out your cheeks and looked up at the TV, blushing instantly as you saw a girl doing things you never knew about.

Luke chuckled nervously and turned off the TV before it could continue. "Would you look at that? I think it's time that I go get some dinner for all of us. Mikey and Cal will be back in a few with a different movie so I'll be back!" he said quickly as he stood up and walked out of the room quickly.

You continued to stare at the TV while Ashton stared at you with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong, girly? You act like you've never seen anything like that before or done it before," he said, chuckling.

You blushed even more and looked down, squirming slightly. "W-Well..."

His eyes widened as a blush started to form on his cheeks, staring at you. "Y-You've never done anything like that before?" he asked as you started to nod before he could finish. "You're Lukes' twin though!"

"He's protective so I've never really had a really boyfriend before you, Ash," you mumbled, fiddling with your sweat shirt.

He sighed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling into his lap. "No wonder Luke makes Michael be careful with his perviness when you're around," he mumbled as he nuzzled his face in your neck.

You squirmed as he did so and blushed more. "S-Stop~. You know that tickles, Ashy~," you whined, giggling softly.

He groaned softly and held your hips still, kissing your neck softly. "Don't move, love. You know you can't do that in my lap," he mumbled, keeping his hold on your hips.

You bit your lip and nodded, looking down at your lap and biting your lip slightly. For some reason you felt funny down south, you had no idea what it meant but it started when you looked up at the movie.

"What's wrong, love? You're quieter than usual," Ashton pointed out as he massaged your hips.

You blushed and pressed your thighs together tightly. "N-Nothing, Ash," you said, smiling back at him.

"Liar~," he said, kissing your neck. "Now, what's wrong?"

"I feel funny down there..."

He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at your lap. "There?"

You nodded and squirmed, biting your lip as you do so.

He sighed and chuckled softly as he rubbed your thighs. "Relax and try to think of something else."

"I can't, Ash. The image from the movie is stuck in my head. I can't get it out."

He laughed softly and shook his head. "You're horny, babe. It's normal. Just relax."

You whined and rubbed your thighs together softly. "H-Help me, please."


"I don't know!"

He sighed and pushed your thighs apart gently, massaging them slowly. "Don't tell your brother about this then," he mumbled into your ear as he lightly bit it.

You blushed more and nodded, looking down at his his hands, watching them as they massaged your thighs.

He kissed along neck as he pushed your skirt up and hummed. "Just watch how I do this, then while I'm gone on tour or when you feel funny again and need to get rid of it," he whispered against your neck, licks rubbing your clit through your panties.

You gasped softly and bit your lip as you tried to close your thighs again, failing since he had kept them open. You watched his hands as you tilted your head to the side, letting him continue to kiss along your neck.

He started to rub your clit a bit harder but kept at a slow pace as he massaged your inner thigh. He nipped at your neck as you let out a soft gasp, giving him a chance to push your panties to the side a bit, still rubbing your clit in hard, slow circles.

You let out a soft moan, gripping your skirt as you continued to watch his fingers, the pressure in the pit of your stomach slowly building as he started to slowly trace your slit with his pinkie finger. You whined softly as he did so, feeling yourself getting moist there. Your head felt foggy as he pushed your legs father apart and spread your pussy lips, making you gasp and shiver softly as the cold air hit your heat.

He smiled softly as he continued to nip and kiss your neck, being carful not to leave any marks as he did so. He rubbed his index finger along your slit before slowly pushing it in, feeling your walls immediately tighten around it. "Relax, baby. You need to relax," he mumbled against your neck.

You whimpered softly at the discomfort and nodded leaning back against him as you tilted your head back to lay on his shoulder, slowly relaxing.

He continued to rub your clit with his thumb as he slowly wiggled his index finger inside you, gaining soft gasps and whimpers from you. "Can I move now?"

You nodded slowly and bit your lip as he slowly started to pull his finger out only to have it pushed back into you slowly. "O-oh god," you breathed out as you raised your hips slightly.

He chuckled and lightly pinched your clit, lightly biting the back of your neck.

You moaned softly and tugged on your skirt as he slowly pushed his middle finger into the mix. Your hips bucked forward slightly as he picked up his speed, your lower stomach tightening more as he did so. You continued to let out soft moans as you gripped his wrist lightly, blushing brightly as you squeezed your eyes shut.

"Let it out, baby girl. It's okay," he whispered into your ear, thrusting his fingers into you faster and curling them.

You bit your lip harder as you moaned a bit louder, arching your back slightly as you cum on his fingers, gripping his wrist tighter. Your head felt dizzy as he continued to thrust his fingers into you, making you explode with moans as you rode out your orgasm.

Once you had calmed down, he slowly pulled his fingers out and licked them clean before putting your panties back on properly and pulling your skirt back down, wrapping his arms around you. You blushed and leaned against him, not wanting to move as well as having trouble thinking in order to tell yourself to move.

"How was that?"

You gave a thumbs up and curled into him, keeping your eyes closed as you yawned, making him chuckle.

"Get some rest, Y/n. I'll wake you when the boys get back," he said, kissing your forehead as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

A small blush still rested on your cheeks as you sat in his lap, a small unnoticeable bruise forming on the back of your neck, and a small wet spot on the couch were unseen by the boys as they came in hours later, going quiet as they saw you and Ashton asleep on the couch. Ashton's arms wrapped around you protectively as he smiled, the only thought in his mind being that he taught you something that day.


Howdy! So I hope this is good! Sorry for not posting in and few days. Been working and lot lately. But I hope you enjoy this one.

Ciao, lovelies.

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