Unknown Feelings Raise to the Surface

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Hey guys! So I got this idea while I was listening to music. It's not based off the song, just got the idea. I thought it would be a great idea also. So I hope y'all like it.

Summary: He always hated her, disliked her, you name it. He always bullied her and didn't give a care in the world...until one day. His feelings change and he tries to figure out why. But will it be too late?

Not the best summary. Sorry! Enjoy!


^Sophomore Year^

She groaned when her back hit the lockers, a lock digging into her shoulder blade. She stared up at the brown haired boy who had her pinned against the lockers. "Ca-Can't you just leave me alone for one day? I've never done anything to y--" She was cut off by being pushed even harder into the locker making her squeak and close her eyes tightly.

"Did I say you could speak? No. So shut up," the boy said, smirking.

She opened her eyes and glared at him. "You're an asshole," she mumbled before she brought her knee up to meet his crotch.

He groaned and let her go, grabbing his crotch.

She grabbed her bag and tripped him quickly, glaring at him. "Fuck you, Hood," she said then ran as fast as she could out of the school.

#Present Time; Senior Year#

The bell rang signaling the start of lunch, everyone rushing out of class to hurry to the lunch room to get the best food first. One girl slowly made her way outside to the court yard of the school, walking over to her usual spot at the tree.

"Well, if it isn't the freak herself."

She sighed and dropped her stuff by the tree and turned around to see her bully standing there with his friends. "Well, if it isn't the asshole himself."

"Watch it, Hill."

"Fuck off, Hood."

The two glared at each other until the girl glanced at his friends. "What do you want anyway? To push me down a hill?"

"Actually, Ashton here wanted to ask you a question for one of his classes he shares with you," the brown haired boy said, throwing his thumb over his shoulder at the curly haired boy.

The girl raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ashton, relaxing slightly at his friendly smile. "What's the question?"

"I was wondering if you could help me study for the exam we have next week? I'm really terrible at Math," Ashton said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"How do I know this isn't a prank or something?"

"Come on, Stephaney, do you want to see my last test paper to see if I'm telling the truth?" Ashton asked, pulling a sheet of paper out of his bag quickly.

She glanced at the sheet then back at Ashton, sighing. "No. I've seen all your tests in Math. We do sit next to each other after all," she said, putting a hand on her hip. "Considering today's Friday and the test is on Monday, I guess I could help you out this whole weekend."

"Really?" Ashton asked, smiling brightly.

"Yeah. As long as he's not with you, I think it'll be fine," she said, starting up another glaring contest with her bully.

"Actually, Luke may tag along so he could get a little help. He do--Ow!"

"I was gonna ask her after Math," Luke whined, pouting as Ashton shot him a glare.

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