Preference 9. After a fight...

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Luke: You would throw a pillow and blanket at him with tears streaming down your cheeks then slam the bedroom door shut, locking it. He would beg you to open up but you would just pull the covers closer to you and sob quietly into your pillow.

When morning would come, you'd open your eyes, figuring you cried yourself to sleep, then pull on one of Lukes' sweaters and get out of bed in just the sweater and boy shorts.

When you'd open the door, you would see Luke laying on the floor in front of the door and pout, guilty you made him sleep on the floor but you'd remember he deserved it.

He would open his eyes and look up at you before grabbing your wrist and pulling you down to lay with him. You'd blush but let him pull you close, draping the blanket over you as he kept apologizing and kissing your head.

In the end, you would forgive him and fall back to sleep with him on the floor in the doorway of your room.

Ashton: You'd stomp out of the house, grabbing your phone and car keys, but not before slamming the front door with all your force. Which is a lot when your pissed off, like right now.

You'd ignore him yelling your name as you got in your car and drove away from your shared house to your best friends place, Calum Hood. He was always there when you and Ashton got into a fight.

About two hours when you got there, you fell asleep on the couch so Calum covered you up and was about to go to bed when the front door opened, already knowing who it was.

You woke up to thumbs wiping the tear stains off your cheeks and opened your eyes to see Ashton looking at you with guilty eyes. You'd move over slightly and he'd lay with you, arms wrapped around you to make sure you don't leave while he tells how sorry he is and how much he loves you until you both drift off to sleep.

Calum: You'd stare at him with tears running down your face as his eyes widened at what he said. When you would try to walk away he would grab your wrist and pull you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You'd try to push him away but fail since he's stronger than you and yell for him to let you go but he won't. You would grip his shirt and just cry, cry so much that you would fall asleep standing up, in his arms.

When you wake up, you'd find yourself on the couch with a blanket over you and the smell of food cooking.

You'd go to the kitchen and find Calum cooking breakfast in just his boxers, making you smile when he turned around and looked at you.

You guys would cuddle the rest of the day, apologizing for everything you both said.

Michael: You wouldn't speak to each other, sometimes even look at each other. You were both pretty stubborn so it would be a while before someone apologized.

But usually it only lasted for a few days because the first to talk was always Michael but you, be able to keep quiet since you lived with your crazy family for awhile, wouldn't talk.

He would get whinny and beg for you to talk until he comes up with a plan to get you to talk, which always works because he uses your week spots against.

Then the next day he would cuddle in bed with you and tell you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, and what he loves most about you.


I hope y'all like this one! ^^

Ciao, lovelies!


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