Broken Home

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Hey guys! So, it's been a while since the last imagine I wrote. That's why I thought I'd write one now. I've been having a bad writers block with anything that isn't a preference lately so bear with me. This one was inspired by the song Broken Home by 5 Seconds of Summer. I hope you guys like it~.

Summary: She never talked, never made a sound either. All she did was sit quietly and listen to what she was told or just have flashback of memories during class. She was never happy, never smiled, just had a blank look. Her eyes were lifeless and it soon got worse through the years. Then, the boys came along, staying with her through the rest of high school. But she still was broken, inside and out. She just wanted it all to end.


/"Mommy! Mommy!" a five-year-old girl yelled, running over to her mother as school let out.

The mother smiled and picked up the young girl, placing her on her hip. "Hello, my little Perla. How was school?" she asked, walking to the car.

"It good! I gots a hundred on math test!"

"A hundred? That is good. I guess that means that we can ask daddy to cook your favorite tonight," the mother said, putting her daughter in the car seat.

"What is daddy going to do?" her father asked from the driver's seat.

"I gots a hundred on the math test," the girl repeated, smiling as she held up the paper.

"Oh! That is something that should be rewarded," he said, chuckling softly.

"Yay! Chicken nuggets please!" she cheered, giggling softly. /

She quietly walked through the halls of her school, gripping her binder to her chest and her bag bouncing against her hip as she walked. She tried to ignore the voices around her, pulling her sleeves of her jacket down over her wrists as she stopped in front of her locker. She opened it and came face-to-face with a family picture on the inside of her locker door.

She looked passed it as she grabbed her books and put her bag in, shutting the door softly with an inaudible sigh. As she turned around, she jumped as a group of boys stood in front of her, smiles on all their faces. She hugged her books close to her chest as she looked at them, their faces unfamiliar to her.

"Could you help us? We're having trouble finding the office," the curly haired boy asked, chuckling nervously as he scratched his cheek.

"I wouldn't bother," a girl next to them said, closing her locker with a laugh. "She's mute; talks with her hands." The girl smirked at her before walking to her class.

She looked down, thinking they were going to leave to ask someone else until the same boy asked again, "Could you?"

She looked up, blinking before she slowly started to give him the directions. When she was finished, she was surprised when he started to repeat them back to her. "Alright. So, down the hall, to the left and it's the last door on the right?" he asked, smiling as she nodded slowly. "Thank you. Hope to see you around."

The others nodded before they walked towards the office. She watched them before heading to class herself, hugging her things to her chest.

It wasn't that she was mute, she used to talk a lot but she suddenly stopped one day. No one knows why because she never said anything about what caused her to stop. She barely made a sound or smiled since she stopped talking. Being mute and emotionless got her bullied by the bigger kids or the popular girls.

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