Preference 67.1: Best friends but one boy knows you like him...

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Luke: You smiled at Luke as he stepped out of the bathroom, in a suit and tie. "Why are you wearing that for a date?"

"Because I want to make ad good impression on the first date," he said, looking in the mirror on your dresser to fix his tie.

You giggled and jumped off the dresser and turning him towards you. You pushed his hands away and started to fix his tie, careful to not tie it too tight. You bit your lip to keep quiet as you finished up, sending a small smile at him as you turned him back to the mirror. "There."

He smiled and kissed your forehead softly. "Thanks, y/n," he said before heading out the door.

You smiled as you watched him leave then let it fall, a small sigh escaping your lips. "Idiot..."

"Y/N! You're all out of pickles!" you heard Ashton yell from the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen and sat at the dinner table, laying your face on it. You heard Ashton quickly run o er to you and pull you into his lap. "Luke?" You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder. "Another blind date?" You nodded again. "Why won't you tell him how you feel, luv?"

"What does it matter? He only sees me as a best friend, that's all. It's better than nothing I guess," you mumbled, sighing as you slid off his lap and walk over to the fridge.

"But, Y/n, you freaking love him, according to you, you've loved him since middle school yet you don't tell him," he said, walking up behind you. "If you don't tell him soon, he'll hook up with one of those blind dates, and you'll always just be the best friend."

You stared into the fridge before closing it and turning around to look at him. "And how do I know if he'll reject me? I'd rather stay the best friend then risk losing him or being hurt from rejection," you said, pushing passed him out of the kitchen.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before going back to making lunch for himself, thinking of a way to get both Luke and you to confess to each other.

Ashton: You scoffed as you threw your phone on your bunk, crossing your arms as Calum looked at you with and raised eyebrow. "Fucking sick of seeing pictures of Ashton and the whore everywhere I turn," you mumbled, looking out the tour bus window.

Calum sighed and moved to sit beside you. "Someone's jealous, and don't lie to me. I know you like him," he added before you could speak.

You huffed and looked away, easing your nose in the air as if you were a rich snob. "I, my good sir, have no idea what you are talking about," you said in your most British like voice ever.

He laughed and shook his head before patting your head. "You're a terrible liar. We all know you like him, well except for Ashton himself. We see how you look at him and how you act when she's around or when you see a picture of them together. It's quite cute if you ask me."

"Which, if I remember quickly, I never do," you said, trying to keep from blushing.

"The point is, maybe you should tell him before things get serious with him and the "whore" as you called her."

You sighed and shook your head. "I can't....I'm the reason they are together. Maybe if she wasn't my friend, I'd be the one snogging him right now, not her," you said, pouting.

He laughed and kissed your forehead. "Just think about it," he said, looking back at his phone.

You looked back out the window, thinking about what he had said.

Calum: You turned your head away from the sight in front of you, your heart tightening in your chest as you felt the couch dip in a little, telling you that someone had sat there beside you. "Luv? You okay?" you heard Michael ask.

You nodded, trying to keep from looking at what Calum was doing.

It was your birthday and the boys had reserved a spot at a bar for just you five so they could celebrate with you. You were happy that they did this for you but half way through, Calum, your number one best of the group, had decided to bring one of the girls into the VIP section that all if you were in just to make out. The worst part was that they were right across from you, and watching it just made you want to cry.

Michael, your second best friend of the group, of course knew how you felt about Calum and hated to see you upset. He grabbed your hand and lightly pulled you out of the booth, tugging you out the back of the club where it was quiet.

You looked at him, tears threatening to fall as he sighed and pulled you into a tight hug. "Why do you love him so much, Y/n? All he does is hurt you just by hooking up with a girl from a bar or club or even after a concert..."

You lightly gripped the front of his shirt as the tears fell, a soft sob escaping your lips. "I-I don't know, Mikey. I just get this feeling every time I see him smile or hear him makes me feel happy but then when I see him with another girl..." yoy trailed off as another sob left your lips. "I-I know he's drunk right now, and I shouldn't be like this but it hurts knowing he really doesn't love me more than a best friend."

He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back, letting you sob into his shirt, whispering lyrics to Beside You to calm you down.

Unknown to the both of you, someone at been listening to the whole thing.

Michael: You sighed as you held the dress up to your body, looking in the mirror at yourself before putting it on. You walked out of the dressing room and smiled at Luke as you spun around. "How's this?" you asked, tilting your head.

He smiled and gave you a thumbs up. "That one looks better on you then the others. Michael is gonna flip when he sees you in that," he said, chuckling.

Your smile fell once he said that and sighed again, getting his attention. "What's wrong, Y/n? Don't you like the dress?"

"No, I love it...but you and I both know Michael only sees me as a best friend, always has seen me as one since the three of us met our freshmen year," you said, walking back into into the changing room to get back into your clothes.

"Well, maybe you should tell him how you feel. Go up to him and say, 'Michael Clifford, I am madly in love with you out and I'd love to go out with you.' Maybe he'd realize how you feel and realize he's deeply in love with you," he said, smiling at you as you walked out of the dressing room.

You puffed out your cheeks and threw the dress at him, letting a pout form on your lips. "Or he'll laugh at me and hate me for the rest of my life. Come on, Luke, think! I can't risk losing a friendship, I mean he could love someone else!"

"Yeah but it doesn't hurt to try, right?"

You sighed and hugged your upper body, looking down. "Let's just get out of here. I still have to get ready for the party."


Keep an eye out for part 2 of this preference!

Ciao, lovelies.

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