Preference 31. He cooks for you...

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Luke: You opened your eyes when you smelt something good coming from the kitchen. You sat up and put on one of Luke's shirts to put over your sports bra since for some reason it was really hot last night.

You made your way into the kitchen rubbing your eyes when you saw Luke in front of the stove in just a pair of black shorts. "Lukey?"

He turned around and smiled. "Morning, Y/N."

"Morning," you mumbled, walking over and sitting on the counter. "Whatcha doing~?"

"Making breakfast."

You smiled and leaned over slightly, pecking his lips. "That's so sweet."

Ashton: You sat on the counter swaying your legs back slightly as you watched Ashton moved around the kitchen. "I'm hungry," you said for the fifth time in ten minute.

He let out a small chuckle and stopped in front of you, placing his hands on either side of you. "A few more minutes and it'll be done. I promise," he said, leaning up to kiss your lips.

You smiled and kissed him back. "Better hurry before it all burns."

Calum: You sat at the dining room table and smiled at Calum when he placed a plate in front of you.

"There you go. Hope you like it," he said, smiling nervously.

You took a bite and giggled when he continued to watch you. "Cal, it's great. Stop worrying so much about it," you said, leaning over and pecking his lips.

Michael: "Mikey~. Whatcha making~?" you asked, peeking over his shoulder.

He chuckled and turned his head to peck your cheek. "You're so important," he teased, smirking.

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm so hungry," you said, pouting.

He chuckled and shook his head.


I thought I would try this one's not that long but it'll do for now.

Ciao, lovelies!

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