Preference 22. How you hug...

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Luke: Considering he's taller then you he'd always wrap his arms around your neck and you'd wrap yours around his torso. The fans always loved the fact that you let him do that and that it's become your thing now because they always find it cute.

Ashton: He wraps his arms around your waist and you wrap your arms around his neck. This always gives you a reason to hide your face in his neck whenever he makes you blush or you just want to smell his cologne.

Calum: He wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your neck so he can pepper it with small kisses. You always love this because you get to also run your fingers through his hair and you can always smell his shampoo.

Michael: He always hugs you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder giving your neck kisses every few minutes. Usually when he does this it makes you giggle because he knows that your neck is ticklish so he uses that to his advantage every chance he gets.


Hope ya enjoyed this and also thank you for so many stars and views since Preference 17! It really means a lot that y'all like reading my stuff. ^^

Ciao, lovelies!

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