Preference 11. Your first piercing...

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Luke: Nose ring

You were so excited for Luke coming home from tour. You had told him that you got a new piercing but never told him where because you wanted it to be a surprise. So, when you met him at the airport, after he got passed the screaming girls, he stopped in front of you, staring at your face with wide eyes. You waved a hand in front of his face and giggled when he turned your face to get a better look at your nose before he grinned and said, "And I thought you couldn't get hotter...guess I was wrong."

Ashton: Belly-button ring

You had been talking about getting one for years, even Ashton agreed with you saying that he thought you would look great with a belly-button ring and even offered to help you pay for it but you declined because you wanted to earn the money on your own because it was something you really wanted. So when you finally got the money and were able to get it done, with Ashton right beside you, you grinned as he said, "You look really sexy with that piercing, Princess."

Calum: Spider bite

You had decided to get a piercing with Michael when he got his eyebrow pierced so you choose to get your lip pierced. So now you sat on the couch with the boys, between Michael and Calum, and used your tongue to play with your lip ring as you guys watched tv. You knew Calum was watching you from the corner of his eyes but you ignored it and kept playing with your lip ring, still getting use to something in your lip. You heard Calum growl softly and he leaned closer to your ear, saying, "You have no idea how turned on you're making me."

Michael: Tongue ring

You stood in front of Michael as he stared wide eyed at you, repeating 'what' over and over again not believing what you said was true even though you keep telling him it's true. So, by the tenth 'what', you had enough and rolled your eyes before taking a step towards him, grabbing his collar, and slamming your lips against his, forcing your tongue passed his lips. He shivered when he felt the cold ball run over his tongue and he pulled back, resting his hands on your hips and gripping it tightly, saying, "Now that is a really big turn on and it makes you even hotter than I ever thought was possible."


Sorry if it isn't so great. It's like 2 in the morning and I'm watching Toonami on my tv down stairs! Hope you like it though!

And my wrist is feeling slightly better! Thanks for the concern guys! Y'all are the best!

Ciao, lovelies!


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