Preference 10. You give him the silent treatment...

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Luke: You sat at the kitchen table reading on your phone when he came in later then usual.

"Babe, I'm home."

Instead of saying anything you stayed quiet and continued reading on your phone.

He walked into the kitchen and looked at you, smiling slightly. "Didn't you hear me, babe?" When you didn't answer he raised an eyebrow and walked over to you, leaning down kiss your cheek.

You dodged it and swiftly got up from the chair, making your way to the living still not making a sound.

"Y/N?" Luke followed you and watched as you sat on the couch with the remote, turning on the tv. "Hey, what's wrong?"

You said nothing, didn't even look at him as you turned on the news just as he sat down beside you.

"In other news, Luke Hemmings was seen with his bands mates today with no Y/N insight, on their one year anniversary. Either he forgot or the couple is no longer together..."

You quickly shut off the tv and pushed yourself up off the couch, ready to walk away before he wrapped a hand around your wrist and pulled you down on his lap. "I'm sorry, Y/N...I've been so busy with everything that has been going on that I guess I forgot."

You stayed silent, sitting in his lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck.

"Just please talk to me. I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow if you want. You can have me all to yourself tomorrow. I'll do anything you want, just talk to me. I wanna hear your voice."

You looked at him and grinned slightly. "Make it up to me now~," you whispered, leaning down and nipping on his lope.

Ashton: You had been ignoring him for a week, which he thought was impossible because you never can stay mad at anyone for long but apparently you were still mad at him for telling the boys all about your sex life even if he was drunk.

"Princess! Come on! Talk to me! I've apologized so much already, I've begged for you to talk, I asked the boys if they remember anything, in which they groaned and said no, and I've stripped naked and ran down the street yelling craziness just to get you to say something! What else can I do to get you to talk?!" he whined, shaking your shoulders.

You looked him in the eye and raised an eyebrow. You wanted to tell him you weren't mad anymore, that it was another reason but you thought he was being funny with this craziness so you kept it up for a week.

But now it was getting out of hand and it was starting to get annoying.

You took your phone out of your pocket, unlocked it, opened a new message and started typing.

Ashton's phone beeped and he took it out seeing a text from you. He glanced at, raising an eyebrow when you nodded towards it, and unlocked it, blushing when he read the message.

'You: I was mad at first, you dumbo, but I wasn't by the second day. I just haven't said anything because I lost my voice from screaming so much that night that I've been quiet for a week just in case.'

He looked up at you and you smiled. "So you're not mad anymore?" You shook you head and he sighed. "You scared me. I thought you hated me or something."

You shook your head and leaned up on your toes, him being taller, then pecked his lips.

Calum: He blinked as you sat with your back to him as the boys watched you two. Apparently he had forgotten your birthday but the boys didn't so when they came back from the studio and yelled it, he figured out what he had forgotten that morning.

Unfortunately, you were giving him the silent treatment for an hour and he was hating it.

"Talk! Please!"

You didn't listen.


No reply.

He pouted then smirked, turning to the boys. "So lads, I think I will give you answer to that question you asked a week ago."

Michaels eyes lit up and he smiled. "I thought you would never tell us!"

You glanced at them from the corner of your eyes.

"Well, to be honest, she is really flexible and when sh--"

Before he could finish, you tackled him off the couch. He groaned as his back hit the floor and looked up to see you sitting on his stomach, blushing like a tomato. "Shut up! You have no right saying somet--"

He cut you off by leaning up and kissing you. "Got you to talk," he said against your lips.

Michael: He had no clue as to what he had done wrong to get you so mad that you would give him the silent treatment but he knew how he would get you to talk.

"Baby~. You can't stay quiet forever~." He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you. "We both know that~."

You kept your eyes glued to the tv screen which made him growl.

He slowly kissed your neck softly, one hand traveling under your tank top as you held in a moan.

"Please speak, babe~. I wanna hear that sexy voice of yours..." He smirked against your neck when he felt you gulp, slipping passed the waste band of your shorts and panties.

You bit your lip as he started sucking on the spot under your ear, knowing it's your weak spot, and rubbed your clit in slow figure eights, whispering, "I wanna hear those hot, dirty moans and profanities that come out of that talented mouth of yours."

Your hand flew up to the back of his head to grip his dyed locks as a gasp escaped your lips when two fingers entered your quickly.

In the heat of the moment, you forgot your silent treatment and had a wonderful night with you screaming his name all. Before you both fell asleep, he smirked as he pecked your lips and whispered, "Gotcha to scream."


So I got this idea from a preference I read earlier so I thought I would try it. I almost got carried away with Michaels. Lol hope y'all don't mind.

Ciao, lovelies!


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