Volume 1: The Start

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First Chapter

Italics = thoughts

Yato POV :

Well...here I am... the moment that I dreaded for the last months. 

Right now, I'm actually on the way to my future school for the next three years of my life, the Advanced Nurturing High School. 

This school is directed and financed by the Japanese Government and this place is renowned for teaching young people who will support the future of Japan. When you look at this school most people would say that this school is great, but for me, I just don't care about becoming some elite who going to support Japan, The truth is I was forced to go to this school, 

Yato: I'm not even arrived yet and I'm already tired...

I took a look around the bus I just sighed before leaning my head against the seat I was sitting on.

Yato: Well, I guess I'm just going to take a nap for the remaining route to the school.

I thought a nap would be great to pass the time...but I didn't know that would be one of the worst choices of the day for me yet.

After like 5 minutes of sleep...

???: Kyaa!

Yato: !!!!

Hearing someone shout I slowly started to open my eyes but before I could do anything else I was just pushed to the side...

Yato: Huh?

As I was slowly waking up, I took a glance next to me and I immediately understood the situation...

Yato: Oh...

I was sitting next to a girl and by looking at her and her facial expression...I must have fallen asleep on her shoulder... 

The girl has purple hair and has the same uniform as mine...

Yato: But wait...

My concern shouldn't only be the girl right now...In fact, the real problem is everyone on the bus look at us...

Yato: Sighs...I guess she was surprised that I fell asleep like that but still...she screamed as if her life was in danger and now everyone is looking at me wondering what I did...

Yato: Sorry, I fall asleep and my head must have fallen on your shoulder, my bad!

After having analyzed the current situation and noticed that the girl probably just has been surprised by this... I decided to just apologize with a cheerful attitude.

Girl: hum... Well, I don't care I was just surprised. We can move on from this accident.

Yato: ...

Even if she seemed to have moved on from this incident...Her gaze did not match at all with the words she had just said. 

She is still angry at me and she looks at me with a look of disgust. In fact, she was not the only one because everyone on the bus was looking at me and talking about what had happened... 

Yato: Sighs...all this is happening because you decided to send me to this school Mori...





Third person Pov

Four months before.

In an elevator from one of the biggest buildings in Tokyo, a teenager named Yato was currently in the elevator waiting to arrive at the upper floor. 

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