Volume 11 SS

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Kamuro Masumi: Conflicted

It was during the weekend. Before the announcement of the events selected by each class for the special exam. 

Our class was going against the C-Class just as Sakayanagi wanted and we didn't really have been involved in the selection of the events for our class. Sakayanagi already did the research, which means asking me or someone else info about the strength of our classmates. 

That's why my classmates and I weren't really busy even if the exam was coming soon. Aside from practicing at the events, Sakayanagi told us there wasn't anything we could do for the moment...Well at least for me I didn't have a particular job to do.

And that was a great thing...

Because for the moment I wasn't really in the mood for all this...In fact, since the end of the previous exam, the Class Poll.

Masumi: ...

I was conflicted...

About a mistake that I made...

Well... I'm not sure if I should call this a mistake in reality...

To be honest, it is probably the reason why I am so conflicted right now.

I don't know if what I did was a mistake or not...

Everyone has their goal, motivation, desire...

That's why I decided to go along with the person named Sakayanagi Arisu to reach the A-Class. Even if I am annoyed with her attitude and how she acts...No... Maybe with time, I started to "enjoy" working with her. The proof is that after she caught me stealing a cane of beer... I didn't feel the need to try anything like that. I stopped this and just started to work with her with the goal of graduating as a student of the A-Class.

But Sakayanagi wasn't the only one who knew about my "activity".

Another person had caught me at the start of the year...

Fukazawa Yato.

And at the start, just like with my relationship with Sakayanagi, I was annoyed by the person named Fukazawa Yato. But the same thing happened as time passed, and I maybe started "enjoying" my time passed with this person.

But one day... I received a request from Sakayanagi... this request was about spreading a rumor about Fukazawa Yato. 

For the first time, I didn't accept her request immediately...I just remained silent when she asked me this. I thought about it for a long time until I decided to accept and did what she asked me.

Was it my "mistake"?

Did accepting this request was a mistake or not...

It was what was bothering me right now... I couldn't find the answer. I had a relationship with these two but with this request... it was sure it would impact one of my relationships depending on the answer.

Before accepting I thought about the benefit of each relationship I had with these two...

These two knew my secret but still accepted me.

With Sakayanag, my classmate, siding with her was my way to graduating as a student of the A-Class.


What was I gaining by not accepting Sakayanagi's request?

What was the meaning of my relationship with the person named Fukazawa Yato?

I thought about it a moment until I decided to think about myself... and decided to side with Sakayanagi and choose her and the A-Class.

I didn't know if it was the right choice, so I decided just to do as she requested and not think about it... After this, I just started to avoid Fukazawa for a moment while thinking about my choice. After seeing that Fuakzawa didn't really reacted to this rumor about him I thought I maybe overthought and nothing would change...

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