Volume 2: Incident

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Chapter 1

Yato Pov: 

It's been a while since the midterms were done. All students were happy that they passed, and the best news is that we are technically going to receive points after the chaos of the past month. The homeroom was about to start, and Chabashira started to speak.

Chabashira: I have an announcement for you all. There was a bit of trouble the other day, an incident between the student sitting there, Sudo, and some students from Class C. In short, there was a fight.

The classroom erupted. Sudo was already not appreciated in the class, and this news didn't help to change people's minds about him. As usual, Chabashira-Sensei's face was devoid of emotion or interest when she spoke to the class.

Hirata: Umm. So why hasn't this issue been resolved already?

Chabashira: The complaint came from Class C. They claim that the fight was one-sided. However, when we spoke to the accused, Sudo said that their claims were false. He insists that the students of Class C called him over and started the fight.

Sudo: It wasn't my fault! It was self-defense! Self-defense, I tell you!

Chabashira: But there's no evidence of that. Am I wrong?

Sudo: What evidence? I don't have any. All I know is that I'm innocent.

Chabashira: So in other words, we don't yet know the truth. You will need evidence to prove your point. If there is an eyewitness, then the situation may change. If anyone here witnessed the fight, please raise your hand.

No students raised their hands in response to her question.

Chabashira: Too bad, Sudou. It appears there are no witnesses in this class. Every teacher will inform their classes of the details of this incident to check for witnesses.

Sudo: Huh? So everyone will know about this?

Yato: Well, if you want to find any witnesses, you don't have any choice...

Chabashira: Anyway, that is all. We'll make our final judgment in several days, taking into account any eyewitnesses and evidence. With that, let's end homeroom for the day. 

With that Sensei exited the classroom. Just after students started talking about Sudo.

Ike: Man, isn't Sudo just the worst?

Yato: Ehhh... he's not supposed to be your friend?

Student: If we lose points because of Sudo, will we be at zero again this month?

I can understand their reaction and feelings after learning this news about Sudo...But personally, this news did not surprise me...Why?... In fact, I was already aware of this incident...it goes back to yesterday after school...





Yato Pov: 

The class had just finished, and I decided to do scouting in the school for the first time. I wanted to know each place in the school and, most importantly, where each camera in the school is located. It's a habit that I have had for a long time, and we never know when it will be useful to me.

Yato: Hmm?

When I was walking around the school, I saw a man further away who seemed to be looking at the camera.

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