Volume 7,5: A long day

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

24 December 

Yato: Yawns...

I was currently outside in front of my dorm building...

I take out my phone to look at the time and it was 7h30 a.m...

Yato: Arg... I hate getting up early in the morning... even more when I have the chance to sleep...

I was currently waiting for someone... While I was waiting I take a look around...

There was a lot of snow on the ground... there must a snowed a lot during the night. But it hardly snowed anymore and there wasn't announcing more snow for today...

I continued to wait a moment until I slowly start to lose patience...

Yato: It's better to be important...

Just as I thought this I heard some footsteps coming from my left... So I just turn around to look if it was the person I was waiting for...

There was no one around because we were on vacation and it was early in the morning

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There was no one around because we were on vacation and it was early in the morning... so the footsteps that I heard were from the man I was waiting for...

Horikita Manabu...

He continue to walk until he was just next to me...

Horikita: Glad to see that you are not late today...

Yato: Hoi don't start this or I just go back to my room to sleep...

Hearing this I could see a little smile on his face...

Manabu: I see that you are not someone of the morning...

Yato: Exactly... even more when I have the chance to sleep so I hope the reason you called me here today is worth my time...

Manabu: Worth... well it would depend... it's was just a continuation of our conversation from yesterday...

I then start looking at him with a puzzled expression...

But he just ignored it and start walking away...

Manabu: Anway we should go or we going to be late...

I remain there for a moment until I just decided to follow him... the situation seemed more complicated than I initially thought...So I decided to follow him.

I join him and I was now walking next to him...

Yato: Late huh... we need to be somewhere at a specific time?

Manabu: Let's say we would be late for the meeting that I organized...

Yato: ...

I just start looking at him in silence... he didn't tell me more about this because he probably thought that it was useless and that I will have the answer to my question soon enough...

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