Volume 4: Provocation

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Chapter: 5

Yato Pov:

After I left Karuizawa's room and told Kiyo that everything was ready, I started to walk toward the place Kiyo told me to go. I started to descend into the lower levels of the ship where people don't usually go. Although the area was prohibited for students, it was still unlocked to allow the crew access to it. 

Yato: he has found the best place for this...

This was the area where the switchboard room is located, although easy to access, is not a popular spot for people to be in at all. So if someone shouts with a loud voice, no one will hear them, since no one will normally come to such a place.

There are only two entrances and exits to this place including the regular one. The other one was the door for the emergency stairs but it seems like no one usually uses it. 

I take out my phone and noticed something...

Yato: No reception here huh...

Everything was perfect for his plan... even to perfect... when I was thinking about all this, I have been surprised by a voice who came from behind me. 

Kiyo: You are finally here Yato.

I immediately turned around to face the person. I know who it was because he was the one who told me to come here and I recognized his voice... but this was not the problem... how I did not feel his presence here... he was barely two meters from me... because I was not on my guard?... no even if I wasn't on my guard I should I sense his presence... who his this guy in the end...  and of course, he still has is emotionless face... 

Yato: Sighs

I will ignore all this for the moment... finishing with the case of Karuizawa is the priority.

Yato: You found a nice place. Nobody will come and disturb the plan here.

Kiyo: Indeed, now you just have to tell Karuziawa to come here and bring Manabe and the others here.

Yato: I know... I know. Are you ready now?

Kiyo: Yes let's do all this now.

Without answering him I start to go back to the superior level of the ship for I can have some reception on my phone. As soon as I got a signal on my phone I call someone and the person immediately answer...

[Karuziawa]: Fukazawa-kun?  Do you already have a plan?

She really has a lot of hope in me huh... sighs...

Yato: Yeah, I found a way to get Manabe and the others to stop harassing you.

[Karuizawa]: How?

Yato: I will explain to you on the spot, I text you the place where to meet me. Come here now, please.

[Karuizawa]: Yes I will come. Thank you soo much Fukazawa-kun! It was the best choice to ask you for help!

Yato: Like I said yesterday, I was just in the mood to help you. Don't thank me. Anyway, I'm waiting for you.

I hung after that... now it just leaves Manabe...

Kiyo: I am impressed by your acting skills

Kiyo was next to me during my whole conversation with Karuizawa, just said that... 

Yato: I'm impressed by your sense of humor...

Kiyo: ...

Yato: ...

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