Volume 6 SS

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Sakayanagi Arisu: A disturbing dream

I have seen it in my dreams. The stage is the sports festival. How many times has it been already?

The majority of the boring and endless time has completely disappeared from my dreams. But only that single act – the one that consisted of the relay race, the final athletic event, slowly but continuously reappears in my dreams. 

I keep having the same dream because I want to see that scene again. Or I believe I need to watch it. Apart from this, there is no other reason. This is probably because the deep layers of my mind are influencing me.

He was evenly matched with the Student Council President Horikita-san...no, from my point of view, it was an easy battle. For a split second, I saw his silhouette, the boring every day totally changed, like a flower recklessly blossoming. 

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun from the D-Class. . His silhouette was deeply branded in my brain, impossible to get rid of.

But suddenly...

Another silhouette came into my mind...coming disturbing the perfect scene that I was remembering. A silhouette of a guy with some semi-long red hair running in the final relay too. I couldn't see clearly his face... but I know who it was. The guy who appeared and disturbed my dream was...

I suddenly open my eyes...

Calmly, I slightly exhaled a tepid breath. The sunset was gradually sinking down

It wasn't the best awake that I had... not I was still having this unpleasant feeling about my dream.

Sakayangi: I desire to obtain him but there still...

Like a maiden in love, I frequently think about Ayanokouji-kun. But every time...I end up thinking about Fukazawa Yato who came to disturb my dream and my thoughts about Ayanakoji-kun.

Sakayanagi: Sighs...

Kamuro: You can really sleep in a place like this!

The one using a surprising voice beside me to start a conversation is Masumi-san from Class A. She looked dissatisfied at me with her arms crossed

Sakayanagi: How about you also take a nap? It is unexpectedly snug.

Kamuro: Hmm you sure about that? You didn't seem really in your best sleep right now.

I see, so she noticed it then. I then take out my phone from my pocket to see if I received a message from a certain person but...still nothing.

Sakayanagi: Masumi-san, have you perhaps heard about Fuakzawa-kun recently?

She then starts to look at me annoyed...

Kamuro: Huh? No, why I would have news about him? 

Sakayanagi: I see...

Every time the name Fukazawa Yato came up her attitude changed...

Kamuro: You angry because he decided to ignore you?

She was talking about the fact that Fukazawa-kun didn't answer me yet. I asked him if we could play chess but he saw my message but didn't answer it. 

Recently I caught him trying to get information about my little meeting with Ayanakoji-kun. The fact that he searching to learn more about this and my unpleased dream... I need to be careful.

Sakayanagi: Indeed, I thought he could become a great partner for chess...

If he continues to ignore me I will have to go to meet him personally.

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