Volume 11: Moving on

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

I had just finished preparing myself and was about to leave my room. I just put on my shoes and took my bag and left my room...

After closing the door behind me, I walked to the elevator to call it by pressing the button.

Like most days, I left for school quite late...so I'm often one of the last to leave the dorm every morning...

I prefer having more sleep time than going to school in advance...Anyway, it's just useless and annoying for me personally...

Yato: ...

I just took out my phone while waiting for the elevator and noticed it was already 7h45 a.m...

Yato: Yeah this morning I will be there right on time for class...I can already imagine Horikita's face seeing me arriving just before the bell...

I just close my phone and put it back into my left pocket...

I then looked at the board and noticed the elevator was coming from the upstairs floor...from the girls' floors...

I waited for another few seconds until the elevator finally arrived and the door opened...

But just before I could enter it, my eyes met with the only person that was in it.

???: Arg...

The person was clearly annoyed to see me but I just stepped in ignoring her annoyance...

Yato: Sorry... It wouldn't have bothered me to take the stairs...but if I do I will be late and Horikita will be mad at me so...you will have to support me Kushida...

That's right...the girl in the elevator was Kushida Kikyo...

Of course, seeing me would probably annoy her a lot normally...but after what happened yesterday between the two of us...it was probably worst this morning.

Kushida: ...

But she didn't say anything and just took out her phone with her "real" attitude and looked at her phone while trying to ignore me...

Yato: ...

Seeing this I just leaned against the wall on the opposite side that she was and remained silent until the elevator's door closed...

Kushida: ...

I just kept looking at her and noticed that she was sending messages...Seeing this just made me remember the amount of conversation that she had on her phone when yesterday I had her phone. 

Her arriving late at school was quite rare so people must send her many messages...worried about her being late.

But as I was looking at her...

Kushida: Sighs...

She then stopped looking at her phone to start looking at me annoyed...but I just kept my usual attitude...

Kushida: Starting my day by seeing your ugly face is not the best... so just look away.

Hearing this I just sighed...

Yato: Sighs... still mad at me?

Kushida: Because I'm not supposed to?! With what happened yesterday!

Yato: Well...you can only blame yourself for that Kushida... all this wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have tried to expel me.

Kushida: ...

She stared at me until she shook her head and leaned herself on the wall next to her while completely ignoring my gaze... and probably trying to ignore my whole existence in this elevator.

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