Volume 9: Warning

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

I just entered in my room after my game of chess with Sakayanagi. My first win against her... contrary to the last time we played that I failed to protect my king and keep control of the board... but this time I managed to fix my previous error that I made during our last game...

We also had this conversation and could confirm a bit more about Sakayanagi... she is a proud girl who has 100% trust in her abilities. And I can't deny them... she knows how to use her brain...

When I came to this school, I never imagined that I would meet people like her...

But during our conversation... She brought up certain topics that I am...doubtful about. Probably because it was a topic similar to what that man talked about on this bench close to the school entrance.

Yato: Sighs...

I just walked into my kitchen and open my fridge to look at what I would eat for supper...

Yato: But still... I would have never thought that I would think about him twice in this school... Toji...My biological father...

Still too many thoughts in my mind I just close the door of my fridge and walk back into my room and sit on my bed...

Yato: Toji... I always had no interest in knowing more about him...but...but maybe I was wrong about it...

Maybe it is something I should have done way before today... After all, I don't even know my real last name... All I know is that my biological father's name is Toji... Nothing else

Maybe I have some family somewhere in japan that I don't know about? 

I'm not asking these questions because I'm curious to know if I have some family reaming and care to know them...


Why I'm starting to be curious about this man Toji is that Maybe knowing more about him will help me to understand the situation better. With all the problems going on... That Mysterious man... The reason Mori sent me here...

It would Basically help me to identify my enemy...

Mori would have sent me here for this?

After all, I encounter this mysterious man...

but there are still things that don't add up...

Yato: ...

As I was in my thought...


Yato: Hm?

My phone started to ring so I just took it out of my pocket and saw the name calling me...It was written, Boss...

So I just press the button to accept the call...

Yato: Yo Horikita?

Indeed... For Horikita's contact, I wrote Boss for her name... If she finds it out she will be annoyed... but I want her to find it out...

[Horikita]: Fukazawa-kun, are you free tonight as I asked you earlier?

Yato: Hmm... Yeah sure...

[Horikita]: Great, thank you Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Can I know what your plan is? You seemed sure of yourself earlier...

[Horikita]: ...

There was a moment of silence... I hesitated to speak up again but before I could...

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