Volume 10: Courage

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

March 4

It was the third morning after the special exam was announced. 

I got up at the same hour as usual and did the same routine as every day when I woke up...

After I finished preparing myself, I just took my bag and left my room.

Yato: ...

I remained silent and walked to the elevator...

Again I noticed that people who were going to school were grouped with their friends...even more than usual.

I was clearly standing out from the crowd because I was one of the few students who was alone. I could see some gaze at me from time to time...

Just like I said to Horikita yesterday... the problem is not my reputation or anything like that. I don't have any difficulty talking and socializing...


The real problem...

Is that I have no real friends...

Even less in my own classroom.

I just started to be closer to Kanzaki, but he is in the B-Class... I'm hang out with him when I can but he still has his friends from his own class. 

Ryuuen was someone I could get along with pretty well...but right now being friends with someone like him is more a disadvantage than anything... even more right now when he is the enemy #1 of everyone in this school. People who want him out can be counted on the finger of my two hands...

There was also Hiyori from Ryuuen's class that I talk time to time, but she is not in my class, and her presence alone wouldn't impact on a whole group of people... She doesn't like class battles and wants to stay away from this. But still... I was still curious about her thought on Ryuuen's situation...

Anyway... there were other people in other classes that I socialized with a bit at some point during the school year, but our relationship didn't transform into a real friendship... Like Hashimoto who I talked with at the start of the year but we quickly parted away since he started to focus on working with Sakayanagi.

There was Masumi but even if I remained closer to her than Hashimoto...she recently avoid me more than ever...

There are still other people that I interacted with but still from other classes or worst from different school years.

So in a situation like right now where people gather in groups of friends to overcome this exam...the people that I talked with during my whole first-year end up rather useless.

Right now if the situation is not handled by the right person, the larger group will end up taking control of this exam for our class...

But I decided to "trust" the right person for this... the person that will step up in the next days... the person who will take the class to the right path... or the path that she thinks is right.

Yato: Trust...

Should I have acted differently at the start of the years and should have made more "friends"? Should I change something right now with the exam going on? Like joining a group of people such as the Ayanakoji Group?

Yato: ...

The answer is simple...


Since I'm young, I have always had difficulty making friends. I was going to school, but all the other kids were looking at me not an ordinary person... my attitude, my abilities to learn... I was different from the others. I knew it, but it didn't bother me...My brother Touma was trying to be with me at school to prevent me to alone...but he was the kind of person who didn't mind becoming friends with everyone. Because of this and his social life, I ended up alone...

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