Volume 4.5: Fortune-telling

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Chapter 2

Kiyo Pov:

It was soon the end of the summer break and I did almost nothing to enjoy it. This morning I received a call from Sudo who told me about a popular topic among the upperclassmen, the fact that an accurate fortune-teller was here at Keyaki Mall just for the summer vacation. He then asked me if I wanted to come with him... no, in fact, he wanted me to come for I can bring Horikita with me for he can spend some time with her. 

I was now on the phone with Horikita and I started a conversation with her about fortune-telling, to be able to invite her to go with me and Sudo see the fortune-teller.

Kiyo: I've become a bit interested

That's was true aside from my objective to invite her, I was starting to be intrigued by this fortune-teller

[Horikita]: I'm glad. I think it'll be good for you to go

Kiyo: Then why don't you come along?

[Horikita]: You're kidding, right?

Kiyo: I'm quite serious

[Horikita]: I refuse

I tried slipping in words of invitation into our brief conversation but she brilliantly rejected them all. But I have my own reasons for not being able to accept her rejection simply... The image of Sudo popped into my head

Kiyo: I'm an amateur when it comes to fortune-telling, so I think it's better for me to have someone like Horikita with me

[Horikita]: I'm sorry but I'll pass. I'm the type that's bad at dealing with crowds, you know too

Indeed that is true. Naturally, there would be a lot of students crowded around the fortune-teller because it happens to be a hot topic right now. There's even the possibility that it won't simply be students but also adults that would go. I certainly cannot imagine Horikita being in a crowd like that

I tried to reconfirm it with her without retreating, but even if I stick to it I'll just end up arousing her suspicions. So I just ended up the call and then I briefly sent Sudou a message in the chat. Of course, it immediately registered as 'read' and dissatisfied words came back to me. Sudou had replied "Then I quit" to me in the mail. As I had thought, my existence was only necessary to him for inviting Horikita. And since I had failed, he had no more use for me.

Kiyo: But even so...fortune-telling huh?

I was not interested initially, but after my conversation with Horikita, I had become slightly interested. But I must admit it would be weird for two men to go together to the fortune-teller... but I will be never able to go there with one of my classmate girls... Maybe...

I then dialed a certain phone number but it just keep ringing and nobody was picking up... I was about to end the call but the person finally answered.

???: Nehhh Kiyo? What do you want?

By the sound of his voice, I could tell that he was probably still sleeping. My call probably woke him up.

Kiyo: Hey Yato sorry to bother you but are you free tomorrow?

I just hear a big Sighs and a few seconds later he answered...

Yato: You call me so early for that?

It was already 10h35 a.m but I will just pass that...

Kiyo: Sorry I just wanted to know if you have heard about the fortune-teller who is here for the summer break?

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