Volume 11,5: Farewell

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Chapter 4:

Horikita Pov:

Today is the 31st of March. 

It's the last day that my brother will be at this school.

Horikita: My face looks terrible.

I looked at my face reflected in the mirror. A somewhat dark and depressed facial expression looked back at me. 

The reason for that is probably that I almost didn't sleep at all last night. 

I wonder how much time my brother and I actually spent talking with each other at this school? That time easily surpassed a year, yet didn't reach even a few hours. 

It was such a diffuse relationship. It can't be helped if people ridicule me due to that.

In this relationship that was even less than friends. An older brother and a little sister. Two existences that were so close, yet so far that people wouldn't think we were blood related at all.

Horikita: Is it really alright to part from him like this? 

I questioned my reflection in the mirror. Of course, it didn't reply back. 

There was just me, with a dark expression, looking back. 

I didn't even need to look her in the eyes to notice that she appeared to accuse me of something.

There are so many things I want to talk with my brother about. There's no way parting like this is acceptable. And then a year passed by. 

In the end, I didn't manage to make time for us to talk. But... it's different now. I can properly face him now, so I can meet him without being ashamed of myself. 

I can just meet with him and bid my last farewells with confidence. 

Horikia: no... that won't do. 

I don't even have the qualifications to send him off as I am now. 

Of course, our relationship has changed. I managed to make my brother look at me. But...I wasn't able to show my brother my own growth this year, almost nothing. 

Even if I sent him off, he probably won't be happy about it. In fact, I will probably just make him worry more for this useless sister. 

I can't make him waste his glorious three years with such feelings now.'

Horikita: Wouldn't it be better to not meet him at all? 

That is what I end up thinking. I will never let him worry about me by my selfishness... 

Horikita: ...

As I was looking at myself in that mirror...Trying to find my resolution to go see my brother...


???: Hooooi...It's about time to get up!

Horikita: ...

I just started looking at my door...

Where I heard his voice...




The day before

30th March

Yato Pov:

Yato: ...

It was now 4. p.m and I was currently sitting at a table in a Cafe at the Keyaki Mall. It was a less popular Cafe located on the third floor...

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