Volume 4: First day

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

Yato: Yawns...

I hate waking up early... it was 7:45 a.m and were about to receive an email from the school to know if we were going to be the VIP or not...

I presently was in the biggest restaurant on the cruise ship, I was standing in line to be able to choose what I was going to take for breakfast. When it was my turn to order, I immediately ordered a coffee but I didn't really know what to choose to eat... I was looking at the menu until suddenly...

???: Hoi hurries up...

Yato: Ehhhh...

I turn around to see who it was and I immediately recognized this guy... it's was Yahiko... the dog of Katsuragi...

Yato: Ahh ehh, sorry It's just that I don't know what to order.

Yahiko: Tsk, you are not in D-Class for nothing.

Yato: Ehhh so I had been placed in D-Class because I don't know what to order for breakfast?

Yahiko: Hoi don't mess with me!

Yato: Haha calm down... calm down. It's way too early for that.

I turned around then ordered two toast.

Yato: And there you go, you will be able to order too. Have a nice day, A-Class student-sama.

And then after that, I went to get my coffee and my toast. He was obviously mad at what I just told him. He was really too easy to provoke...

But I know why he started to try to provoke me at first... it was because, during the previous exam, I made the contract with Katsuragi for their class gets the first place... but in the end, we got first place and I still receive 15k private points from all the students in their class... so he was obligate to give me some of his points... but of course, the majority of the A-Class didn't know to whom they gave their points... because it was Katsuragi who sent me the all points in one transfer... Yahiko knew that it was me because he was there during the signing of the contract...

I found a place where to sit and I started to drink my coffee... It was now 7:50 a.m and I was on my phone until one of the two people I was waiting for arrived...

???: Sorry for the wait, Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Don't worry about that Hirata, anyway I don't think I'm the best person to complain about someone's delay...

Hirata: Haha well I can't really contradict you on this.

He then sat down in one of the chairs in front of me... I put my phone on the table since Hirata had just arrived... 

Hirata: Thanks for accepting for coming, Fukazawa-kun.  I'm a little disappointed that Horikita-san didn't agree to come.

Yato: Yeah... we can't force her either.

???: Oh hey Fukazawa-kun, Hirata-kun. Good morning!

Me and Hirata turned our heads to see the person who just had arrived... it was Kushida... she then immediately sat next to Hirata. I was going to start talking when suddenly...


It was a notification sound from my phone... I decided to ignore it and ask a question about the next exam but...


Kushida: Hm Fukazawa-kun, you shouldn't check your phone? He rang two times already, it may be important.

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