Volume 5: Sports festival Part 1

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

We were finally there, the day of the sports festival. All the students were wearing sports uniforms. I could notice some students from other classes and from other years looking at me. The reason for that was my left forearm with my bandage... But with the incident that happens with Kushida and the rest of my class, there should not be any problem because students outside my class have probably heard about it... and if not?... Well too bad I guess.

We were currently walking in order by class. Even if the sports festival was a big event most of the students were just walking normally. They only showed enough seriousness to not disrupt discipline... and that applied to me too.

Ike: I'll show off my good side to Kikyo-chan!

Ike, who was walking in front of me, excitedly voiced his expectations. I have really curious about what he is going to show off after seeing his results in our training. Ike was clearly not one of the most athletic in the class... and not the best academically too when I think about it.  Want to fool around a bit I answered him something...

Yato: You know I'm sure that Kushdia would like someone who gets good results in the events of the sports festival!

He turned to look at me with a serious expression. Kiyo who was in front of Ike turned his head to look at me too, but still with his usual expression.

Ike: What?! Do you really think so?

Still walking I approached a little close to him so that the others around us wouldn't hear too much.

Yato: Of course! Which girl would not like seeing a guy getting good results! That's your chance, Ike!

As if I had just told him the best news of his life, he raised both of his arms in the air and shout...


People around us were really surprised by what Ike just do. The teacher just starts to look in his direction but Ike quickly calmed himself so as not to attract more attention. I could still notice the gaze of Chabashira-sensei on us...

Ike: Oups... I should calm myself... But thanks a lot Fuakzawa!!

Yato: Hahaha don't worry and give your best for Kushida, Ike!!!

Maybe it was mean of me to tell him that? I don't know but I found it funny... The last night of the exam on the cruise ship, I had a talk with Kushdia and I remember her telling me ''stop calling me the same way as this idiot of Ike!''. I was calling her Kushida-chan just to piss her off but she told me that when it was her real personality. So her opinion of Ike was really not high compared to what she shows in public.

Yato: Poor Ike... 

After that, we were all placed in our respective places. The opening ceremony started, 3rd year Class A's Fujimaki was the one who gave the opening declaration. By the way, on the outskirts of the school grounds, there weren't many but I could see the figures of spectators scattered here and there. They are probably adults who work on-campus. In regards to them, it doesn't seem like the school has set any restrictions. Occasionally, I could see smiles and hands waving. On the other hand, the teachers were watching over the students with nary a smile on their faces while adults who appear to be medical staff could also be seen.

Furthermore, a cottage that could fit roughly 20 people was installed inside was a cooler, a water dispenser, and such. By the way, the competing Red Team and White Team were provided with tents installed on opposite sides of the track. As such, it has been made so that there could be no possible contact other than during the contests.

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