Volume 11,5: Spring Vacation Day 2

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Chapter 3

Horikita Pov:

As spring break passed by, the 30th of April finally arrived. One day left before THAT day...

I didn't do anything in particular during these past few days. 

I mostly stayed in my room.

As usual, I got up a bit before 9h00 a.m and decided to look at my phone.

[Yato]: Your brother is leaving on the 31st at noon. Be at the school gate at least 20 minutes in advance.

It was the last message I received...This message was from a few days ago but I didn't answer him back.

Horikita: ...

But as I was looking at Fukazawa's message, I suddenly received a message from Ayanakoji saying that Ichinose wanted to meet me, Ayanakoji and Fukazawa.

Horikita: Finally...

With this message, I can finally think about something else...

But just as I thought I could finally clear my mind about a certain subject...

[Ayanakoji]: Are you ready to talk to your brother?

Horikita: Sighs... when it's not him it's the other...

Without any hesitation, I decided to answer him...

[Horikita]: I'm available at any time.

I decided to ignore his second message...just as I ingored Fukazawa's one...

[Kiyo]: So how about April 2nd?

Horikita: ...

Seeing through Ayanakoji's tentative, I just shook my head in annoyance and answered him...

[Horikita]: I'm free today.

[Kiyo]: Okay. I also want to deal with the troublesome things first.

Horikita: ...

I really wanted to go out today...and this meeting with Ichinose was the perfect opportunity.

The reason for this meeting was obvious...Ichinose wanted to talk about the current situation between our two classes.

In fact, I am glad that she is decided to make the first step...even if she wouldn't have asked to meet us today...I would have been the one to ask her.

Our current alliance and relationship need to end...starting from next year Ichinose's class will become one of our targets that we will have to beat.

Horikita: Yes...going there talking about class matters will help me to clear my mind about all this...

A moment after, Ayanakoji sent me another message saying Ichinose confirmed to meet us today. Our meeting would occur at 10 in the morning, at the cafe on the 2nd floor of Keyaki Mall.

Horikita: In less than an hour...

As I was about to close my phone to start preparing myself...

[Kiyo]: Also... could you maybe inform Yato about the meeting?

His message just made me perplexed...

[Horikita]: Why? Haven't you informed him yet?

[Kiyo]: Well...yes. I sent him a message but he didn't answer me...he hasn't even read my message yet.

[Horikita]: I see...I will try then.

I closed my conversation with Ayanakoji and opened Fukazawa's conversation...

[Yato]: Your brother is leaving on the 31st at noon. Be at the school gate at least 20 minutes in advance.

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