Chapter 3: Special Exam

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Chapter 1

Yato Pov: 

Yato: Sighs... Why...

Ayanakoji: Hm? Are you okay Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Yeah yeah I'm fine... don't mind me...

We were currently on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. Most people seem happy to be here on the ship but for me... I would have preferred to stay on the campus for the summers break... When I asked Chabashira-Sensei if I could stay at school she just looked discouraged and didn't answer me...

When I look at my classmates I saw that the groups of friends were already formed... there is the group of idiots, I don't understand why Ayanakoji hangs out with them but I guess it's better than me who hang out with nobody in the class... Of course, I was not the only one who didn't join a group of friends but more time pass and more it's complicated to join one...

But that doesn't bother me because when I look at the groups of friends in the class I wouldn't want to hang out with one of them too much... Like during the study group when the Hirata group asked me to go with them I refused most of the time...

I lean on the railing of the boat and started to observe the ocean...

It will be now three months since Mori sends me to this school... it still pisses me off but I can't refuse him that after all he's done for me... my last three years before that I go to this school cannot be considered normal for someone at my age...I have been through a lot of shit that the majority of people are never going to have the experience in their life... But I'm not the type of person to feel sorry for myself...No... I rather think that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... So no matter what happens to me I will keep moving forward...

Suddenly an announcement was made.

Loudspeaker: From here, we will land on an uninhabited island owned by the school. Students should change into their jerseys. After that, please assemble on the deck. Please keep all your personal belongings in your rooms. Since there's a possibility that you won't be able to go to the toilet for some time, please settle it properly now.

Yato: This school even had her own island?...

Loudspeaker: From this point onward, starting from the students of class A, we'll begin to descend in order. Moreover, it's forbidden to bring mobile phones on the island. So please, hand them over individually to your homeroom teacher and go down the ship.

I joined the place indicated and found myself next to Horikita and Ayanakoji.

Ayanakoji: Hey, strangely aren't they being too guarded or, how should I say, careful? They should confiscate mobile phones during a test, not now. It looks like it's even forbidden to bring too many personal items.

Horikita: Definitely. If people are only playing in the ocean, I also feel like they don't really have to go to the extent of doing that.

Yato: Yeah surely another trickery made by the school...

Ayanakoji: ...

Horikita: ...

Wait why they don't answer me? I didn't say anything weird...

Horikita: Hello Fukazawa-kun. I had something to ask you.

When she was about to ask me something Chabashira-Sensei was calling your class.

Yato: Sorry next time, it seems that Sensei calling us.

I already know what she wants to know... It's probably about the Sudo incident on how the Class-C suddenly withdrew their complaint...

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