Volume 8: His plan

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Chapter 4:

Yato Pov:

Day 2 of the exam

6h07 a.m

The school woke us up with the same music as yesterday... Again without any problem my group got up and start preparing themself and leaving for the first place that we needed to be to start doing some cleaning before the Zazen session and the breakfast...

To be honest, I was still the last one to leave the group... it could be seen from the others that I wanted to be sure that everyone left the room before going to the meeting place... but the truth is it was just because getting up earlier was just annoying for me...

I was currently walking in the corridor in the direction of the meeting place to join my group but I had something else in mind...

Yato: Sakayanagi...

Yesterday when I was talking with Kiyruin I saw Kiyo left the cafeteria so I just got up and followed him because I wanted to ask him something...but to my surprise... I saw an unexpected meeting between him and Sakayanagi...again.

I find it odd that she wanted to meet with him after the sports festival so I tried to gain information from Kamuro but Sakayangi found out what I was doing... so she invited me to play chess and talk about this...

I met her the same day that Ryuuen took action against X... I tried to know if there was something between those two that I didn't know or if she was aware of the real capacities of Kiyo... But I couldn't have any answer in the end.

The answer that she gave me was perfect. Her story was credible enough, so if I would tried to ask more it would have been suspicious if she didn't know anything about Kiyo... Ask more would just prove to her that something was going on with Kiyo...

But I don't know why... even after her explanation she gave me... something was bothering me... and now that I saw again these two talking to each other...It just proved to me that my doubt was right

But suddenly, as I was about to get out of the building...

???: Fukazawa!

Yato: This voice...

I stopped walking and turned around...

I saw two men walking in my direction... one had a smile and the other was looking at me with a severe look...

Yato: Yo President Nagumo...

It was Nagumo and the vice-preisend Kiriyama...

Hearing my fooling tone when I called him "President", it seemed to amuse Nagumo as always but not his vice-president

Nagumo: I'm glad to find you here before the start of the day Fuakzawa, I wanted to talk with you!

They both continued to walk until they were now in front of me...

Yato: Talk with me huh? Do I need to understand that this little meeting is not due to coincidence but something you planned Nagumo?

Hearting this, he just smiled, put both of his hands into his pockets, and started looking at me with a piercing gaze...

Nagumo: What do you think?

I just look at him for a moment...

It was still 6h09 a.m... I still have time before being late for the meeting place...

Yato: Well I would bet it is due to coincidence but it doesn't matter in the end... what do you want?

He just laughs a little until he turns his head to look at Kiriyama next to him...

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