Volume 5: Physical training

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Chapter 3

Yato: Pov:

Here we are...The moment that I dreaded so much. Since I arrived in this school I have always succeeded to escape from this situation... but it seems that today it's the end. What am I talking about? Well, I'm talking about the physical education classes... Since the begging of the year, I just skipped all the classes and the same goes for the swimming classes. Why did I skip them all? It was to avoid having to wear the sports uniform given by the school. Because, unlike our school uniform who has long sleeves, the sports one is short sleeves so he will expose my bandages to my left arm...

Yato: Sighs...It's about time

I was currently in the locker room of the boys with all my classmates...Well, only the boys of course... We were about to have a class for preparations for the sports festival so I couldn't avoid it. In fact, now it was not a good idea to skip any classes... even Koenji doesn't even miss class, So I can't really do it when even he comes. 

Anyway, I was back to everyone looking at the locker in front of me to change my shirt. The bandages were not the only things that I wanted that my classmates do not see. I still have my other scar on my stomach that it maybe will be a better idea to not let no one see it. After all, this was not a normal injury for a student... no in fact it was just not a normal injury for a normal person. 

Now the logical question to ask would be why to just put a bandage on the scars of my left forearm and not the one on my stomach? Well... The answer would be that the scars on my left forearm bother me a lot... and I'm not talking about aesthetically... No, it's more about the meaning of those scars...

Yato: Argg shit it's annoying...

I just finished changing myself in my sports uniform and put my bag in the locker and close it. Without waiting for anyone I just leave the locker room and go to the gym. But before leaving I noticed the looks of someone curious about my bandages...

Yato: ...




Time skip 10 minutes later

Yato Pov:

The majority of the students of the D-Class were now in the gym, getting ready for the class. Now the physical education classes were declared as free periods and students were each given permission to tackle any sort of practice they desire. While we were waiting for some students who were still missing. I saw two students coming towards me... I had foreseen that he was going to come and ask me questions after having seen his face when I left the locker room.

Ike: Hey Fukazawa... are you hurt?

Yamauchi: Yeah what about all those bandages on your forearm?

What they just said caught the attention of many people of the D-Class. Even more the group of girls close to us, I positioned myself close to them for a particular reason... no in fact two reasons. More people start to move closer to see what Ike and Yamauchi were talking about. 

Yato: Ehhh no I'm not hurt? Why do you think that?

Ike: Well your bandages obviously?...

Yato: Huh? My bandages? What is the problem with them?

I decided to act as if I really don't understand the problem with the bandages...which creates even more confusion. Even more, Ike who was now completely loose... Everyone starts to talk to each other about that not too sure what you think about that but I was waiting for a reaction from someone until I finally got it...

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