Volume 1: Chaos

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

Yato: Ha... Ha... Not the best timing right?

Just as I entered the classroom after being late, everyone switched their gaze to me standing in front...

Chabashira: Oh what a surprise...look who gave us the honor of his presence. Usually, you are not here before past 10 a.m., Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Haha well everyone has their flaw right? Anyway I guessed that today being late wouldn't be a benefit...

As I said this with my usual nonchalant attitude, she looked at me in silence for a moment...as if she was trying to read me.

Chabashira: Oh... you don't seem surprised and in shock like the others about your points for the month. You even said it wouldn't be a benefit to come late... It's interesting. Would you mind telling us why?

Everyone listened in silence to our conversation. 

Yato: ...

With no intention of answering her question, I started to walk to my seat. I knew what she wanted from this and ignoring her was the best option...

But as I started to walk toward my desk...

Chabashira: Where do you think you're going Fukazawa-kun? Do I tell you you can go sit at your place?

I stopped and looked behind me with my usual attitude...

Yato: Well I didn't need to ask at my desk before... 

Chabashira: Indeed, but today if you go to your place without my permission... you're expelled from this school!

Classmates: EHHH??

Yato: ...

Everyone was visibly shocked when they heard the word ''expulsion''

Yato: Is that just a threat Sensei? First off...have you really the power to expel students just for that?

Chabashira: I don't know. Try it if you want to find out!

Yato: ...

Her attitude...she is really not acting as at the beginning of the month. Her personality has changed completely. 

Yato: Now, what should I do?

I wouldn't really mind getting expelled but the real problem is that Mori gonna be mad at me. If I have to choose between Mori and Chabashira-sensei, the choice is easy...

Yato: Sighs...

I retraced my steps and went back to the front of the class and leaned against the wall...

Chabashira: Good let's pick up where we left off. The points were deposited. Without fail. The likelihood that this class was left out is very low. Do you understand?

Hondou: No, even if I say I do understand, we haven't received our points...

This guy, if I remember correctly, hangs out with Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudo. He didn't seem to understand what Chabashira-sensei was saying. In fact, he wasn't the only one, many people still don't understand what was happening.

???: Hahaha, I see, it was like that, teacher. I've understood this riddle now.

Yato: ...

This voice... the one who said that was Koenji. 

Koenji Rokusuke...he already had my interest for a few reasons...

He stands out with his arrogant and self-entitled attitude. So he would also have found out how the school system works huh?

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