Volume 5: Choice of Strategy

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

During our second homeroom period, it has been decided that students across all school years would be having a meeting. Over 400 people, including instructors and students, gathered in the gymnasium. The students from the first year up to the third year were divided up between the Red Team and the White team. 

I was currently leaning on the wall of the gymnasium a little away from my class. Next to me, there was Koenji who was brushing his hair and looking at himself in his pocket mirror...

Yato: How many times a day he plays with his hair?

Anyway...We were both isolated from the first-year student class who was on the Red team. I got away from my class a bit to be sure that Nagumo don't see me... I didn't want to deal with him again in front of the entire school... I was currently observing the students of my class and I noticed how much Horikita was looking around, probably to search for her big brother. But even if she succeeds to find him in that crowd, I don't think she is going to talk to him... her relationship seems complex. I'm not going to stick my nose in her family affair for now... Instead, I need her to tell me about Kushida, so it's not the moment to be on bad terms with Hoirkita. With her reaction from this morning when I call her brother Horikita nii-san I clearly understand that I can't joke with that...

But I suddenly feel the gaze of someone on me... I look in the direction of where it come from and I saw a girl sitting on a chair while everyone else was standing. She has silver hair and a cane in her hand.

I know who it was because I met this girl during the summer break

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I know who it was because I met this girl during the summer break. It was Sakayanagi Arisu, one of the leaders of the A-Class. The first time I met her I had a strong impression and now I just have the confirmation of my thought about her. She clearly has a lot of influence in her class... more than Katusragi even if she did not participate in the last two exams.

When I look at her she starts to smile and wave at me. The last thing she told me during our meeting was that she wanted me to become her chess partner... Anyway, I was glad that no one saw her waving at me... well that's what I thought. I had forgotten mister perfect next to me...

Koenji: Fufu it seems that smart-boy is quite popular with girls!

Yato: Ehhh if you see think like that... but don't worry I can teach you how to be popular as me!

I just fooling around when I answer him but he seems to take my answer seriously...

Koenji: Teach? As if I would need this! But perhaps... must I understand that you are a ''man''?

A man huh... I understand what he means by that... but does he?

Yato: I wonder... but the way you speak must I understand that you are?

Koenji: Fufufu like you said...I wonder!

Yato: I guess I take that for a no then...

He then closes his eyes for a few seconds and sighs and just reopens his eye a continues to play with his har and say...

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