Volume 3: Bad decision

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Chapter 8

Yato Pov:

Yato: Cough Cough...


Yato: Cough... Cough...

My head hurt like crazy... 

I mustn't pass out...

With my last strength, I manage to crawl up to a tree so that I can lean on it...

Yato: Shit What a fool I am...




1 hour earlier

Yato: (sleeping)...


Yato: Ehh

I woke up suddenly feeling the presence of someone

I saw someone further away who started to run away... I immediately put my hands in my left pocket...my leader cards were no longer there...

Yato: Hoi teme! 

I got up to start chasing the person but when I started to run I fell to the ground.

Yato: Ouch... Fuck my left hand...

I look back behind me to understand the reason that I fell.

Yato: Does my ankle is fucking tie to the tree??

What the fuck? My ankle was tied with a rope to the tree which I was sleeping on... Anyway, I don't have time to waste. I quickly detached myself and start to run again in pursuit of the thief...

I didn't see the person who stole my card because it was dark outside but she was about the same height as Ibuki.

I started to catch up with the thief But again... I trip on something and fell to the ground. 


But this time I seriously hurt my left hand and I hit my head on the ground

Yato: ARGG... what is it this time??

I turned my head around to see what I had tripped in but...

Yato: What... there is nothing...

I would have tripped because of the mud??? No, I really felt something that made me fall...

Yato: What the fuck is happening?

I got up with a little more difficult this time and start to run again... Until I ran into someone passed out in the forest...

Yato: Kushida?

What should I do??? I looked down and saw the footprints in the mud of the person I was chasing... but the most surprising is that there seemed to have two pairs of footprints on the ground... and one of them seems to belong to a man...

Yato: Ah fuck...

I decide to wake up Kushida...

Yato: Hoi Kushida wake up!

I shook her a little to wake her up... then she starts to open her eyes slowly...

Kushida: Ehh Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Hep it's me are you okay?

Kushida: Ehh yeah I think so

Yato: Good now tell me where are you here and what's happening?

I need to see her reaction and her version of the story to finally know if she is the one who said that I was the leader to Ibuki ...

Kushida: Ohhh yeah Fukazawa-kun have you seen Ibuki?? And your card of the leader do you still have with you??

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