Volume 11,5: Spring Vacation Day 1

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

Spring Vacation...

After that the graduation and closing ceremonies were behind us...the spring vacation finally started for us.

After a long year in this school where students were facing others classes in competition and special exams, this spring vacation was expected by everyone.

Even if students who hadn't graduated weren't allowed to leave the campus, it wasn't inconvenient for them.

After a whole year here on the campus, students knew how and where to use their free time. There were a lot of installations made for the student so they could enjoy their vacation as typical students.

And the main attraction was of course the Keyaki mall. A place where there were some coffee shops, home appliances stores, a cinema, and even a karaoke place

With all this to their disposition student had everything to plan and enjoy their vacations.

Yato: Hmmm...

But even with all these occupations on the campus...

I was alone in my room, sat in my bed looking at the ceiling...

Yato: First the summer break...after the winter break...and now the spring break...

Three periods of vacation were allowed to us high school students...

The first vacation we had...the summer break...

At first when we ended all these special exams on the desert island and the VIP one on the cruise ship... I was planning to finally relax and stay in my room for most of my vacation time...

But of course, I couldn't get what I wanted...

With the beginning of my fake relationship with Kei, I ended up being forced to go out for some "date" with her...because of that, I ended up being caught in situations that made me lose some precious time on my vacation such as encountering Ibuki, Nagumo, helping Katsuragi...

But in the end, it wasn't a problem...

Since I still got the winter vacation time for myself...

But again...my bad luck strikes...

I ended up being caught on a double date with Kei and the duo of Sato and Kiyo, having more and more attention from Nagumo, again Ibuki who wanted to force me to accept a fight with her...

My first two periods of vacation didn't went as I wanted...

But now... I'm not in a relationship with Kei anymore...so aside from going to the grocery store...I can finally stay in my room and just relax...

I could finally have the vacation I had dreamed of for over a year!

Yato: Sighs...

But of course...


Yato: ...

My phone just received a message notification.

I took my phone that was on my nightstand and opened it to see the message...

It was a confirmation for a future meeting with a certain person today...

Yato: Finally my dream of having a vacation where I stay in my room and relax would not be for this year...

Even if I wasn't in a fake relationship with Kei anymore... I still had a few things to do and people to see during the vacation.

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