Volume 8: Scars

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

After my talk with Miura Yumiko, who was, in reality, the girl I saved from being assaulted two years ago, I went to the cafeteria to eat my dinner.

Yato: From all the information and suspicious things I noticed, I'm sure of it now. Nagumo will attack Hoirkita Manabau—well, not directly. His target is on the girl's side. Who? That's the question. I have two people in mind, but I still do not have the confirmation.

As soon as I finished eating, I got up and walked to where we leave our plates and turned around to look at the cafeteria.

Yato: If I were in Nagumo's position I would target Horikita Suzune, the little sister of Horikita Manabu... or Tachibana, the closest person to him. 

I then started walking around the cafeteria. There were fewer people since dinner time was almost over, but there was one person that I wanted to talk with right now.

Yato: She is in Horikita's group... she should be with the people in her group...

I continued to walk for a moment until I saw the person I was looking for sitting at a table with Shinohara and Sato...

I just walked toward them until Sato, who was sitting in a position where she could see me coming, noticed me and seemed intrigued by why I was coming to them.

Sato: Fukazawa-kun? If you are looking for Karuizawa-san, she left a moment earlier...

Yato: Thanks but in fact, I wasn't looking for Kei...

I then start looking at the back of the girl in front of me...

Yato: Hey Matsushita can I have a talk with you?

She then turned around and started looking at me with a doubtful look that her two friends couldn't see...but before she could answer me...

Shinohara: Eh why did you want to talk with her in private?

I just started looking at Shinohara, who was finding all this strange... I was in a relationship with Kei, so I guess talking to another girl in private could be seen in a bad view from the other...

Yato: No, you're wrong, Shinohara... it's Hoirkita who asked me for some help, and I wanted to talk with Matsushita about the exam...

Shinohara and Sato just nodded, now understanding the reason, but now Matsushita suddenly seemed more on her guard. 

After all, I made a deal with her at the start of the year. She wanted me to reach the A-Class, but I immediately told her that it was not in my personal project. Instead, we agreed that if I decided to do something to help the class, she could give me a hand. But so far, aside from the time she helped me on the cruise ship, I never called her for help, and it annoyed her that I didn't help the class.

Matsushita: Of course, Fuakzawa-kun, let me a moment, and I will join you.

Even though she looked at me doubtfully, she acted as if there wasn't any problem in front of her two friends. 

Yato: Okay, great, thanks... Be careful about the exam Sato and Shinohara...

I then walk away and wait for Matsushita for a moment...

Matsushita: Sorry for the wait...

Yato: Nah don't worry...

I was sitting at a table where a few groups of people were talking close together, but they would not be a problem for this talk.

Matsushita then sat in front of me and started talking in a lower tone...

Matsushita: You haven't called or talked to me since the sports festival. I guess you have a good reason to come to me... or maybe...

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