Volume 5: Sports festival Part 2

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Chapter 6

Yato Pov:

The sports festival has started for a while now and a good number of events had already been done. We, the boys, just finished the event of the Pole toppling and while the girls will do their event of the ball-toss game, we going to do the Tug of war. 

The sports festival was perfectly organized but with the large number of events that the students took part in, the less athletic students started already to be exhausted. The events were more and more physical and we were just halfway through the individual events. There were still five events, with the tug of war included, to take part. So personally, I still have eight events to take part in... No... more seven but anyway...

While we were walking toward the place where our event take place, Sudo asks a question.

Sudo: Just now, how big of a gap do you think formed.....?

Kiyo who was next to me answered him

Kiyo: I don't know. It's just begun, there's no use in thinking about it

Sudo: That's true but.....a loss is a loss, they're a step ahead of us right?

Sudo was really affected by the loss we just had during the last event. I hesitated to add something but I decided to say nothing... I didn't want to influence Sudo and rather let him think and act by himself.

He then started to look where the girls were having their event...

Sudo: It'll be good if the girls can win at least.....

From where we were, we couldn't see which team between the Red and the White was currently winning. The best we could assume was that both teams were having a close match. Soon after, as the match ended, the teacher in charge counted up the points one after another while throwing the balls.

Teacher: 54 in total, the Red Team wins

Yato: It seems that they succeed to make up for our defeat huh...

Sudo... no... most of the boys seemed really happy about this news. With the win of the girls right there, we were back to tie with the White Team. Just after the girls win, a referee called out to us and began explaining tug-of-war to us.

Sudo: Alright, let's go.....!

Ike: Is your back alright, Ken?

Sudo: My body's tougher than others after all. Besides, there's nothing I can do even if it hurts anyways.

Yato: Wow... that's a great mentality to have...

Sudo: This is a man attitude Fukazawa!

Yato: Ehhh I see...

Well, if in a world that what happened to Sudo in the last event when Ryuuen hurt Sudo back would have happened to me... I would probably just go back to the cottage and not participate for the day. I was lazy so this could have been the perfect opportunity to just not participate... but being hurt to not participate was maybe a bit too much anyway...

With those words, Sudo just stoop up with vigor and walk towards our event. The rules for tug-of-war are extremely simple and about the same as capture-the-flag.

Hirata: If we can make a comeback in tug-of-war, then we can overturn the team competitions. Besides, if it's tug-of-war then there'll be no contact during the match so the other side will also be forced to compete using their strength alone. It shouldn't turn into an absurd fight

Hirata, who always fretted over Sudo and his surroundings, called out to him like that. Sudo nodded in response. 

Sudo: I guess so.....that's why we can't lose

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