Volume 3: New problem

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Chapter 6

3rd. Pov:

Early in the morning of the 5th day, while the majority of boys were still sleeping. Girl's voice could be heard from outside their tent.

Shinohara: Hey boys, will you gather up?

The boys started to get up and come out of their tents and some of them came out in rage...

Sudou came out from the tent looking at the others around him visibly irritated by this... 

Sudou: What the hell... I'm so fucking tired.

Hirata: What's wrong?

Shinohara: Uhm Hirata-kun... Sorry, but can you wake up all the boys here? It's serious.

Shinohara seems angry but that's was not the only problem there. A little far away, the girls were glowering at the boy's side.

Hirata: Understood. I think they'll soon come out as I give them a shout.

After a couple of minutes of waiting for the boys to get together outside their tents. The boys who were outside noticed the girls were looking at them unusually scared...

Hirata: What's wrong, so early in the morning?

Shinohara: Sorry Hirata-kun. It's something that doesn't concern you, Hirata-but........ Wait he wouldn't miss someone?

Hirata: Huh? Oh yeah, your right...




Yato: Pov:

Yato: zzz...

???: Oh Fukazawa-kun wake up!

Huh? They haven't finished making a lot of noise since this morning? Fuck... I just want to sleep in peace...

Yato: Eh later, later... I want to continue to sleep...

???: Fukazawa-kun the girls want to talk to the whole class, please wake up.

Huh? This is Hirata? Why he is so insistent...

Yato: I give you the right to start without me... 

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Signs... Fuck...

What a shitty start to the day...

Yato: Okay Okay... I'm coming...




After all the will that took me to get up... I finally exit my tent 5 minutes later...

Yato: Yawn... it's better to be fast...

Huh? Why do all the girls look angry? It's me who should be angry after being forced to get up...

Shinohara: Good now everyone is here...We've gathered because there's something I have to check at any cost.

Yato: Hmm why do all the boys need to be here while some girls are missing...

Shinohara gave everyone, except Hirata, a look of contempt and then she spoke.

Shinohara: This morning, well... Karuizawa-san's underwear was missing. Do you know what that means?


Even Hirata, who was always calm, appeared shaken and upset at the completely unexpected situation... Now I could understand why they wake us up... but...

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